
二手轮胎的全球贸易是负责的主要因素用于介绍Aedes侵入性蚊子。克莱尔·斯特罗德(Clare Strode)向我们介绍了一个关于低成本,有效的监视工具的想法,她的团队在利物浦港(Liverpool Port)进行了矢量监视后,她的团队在一杯茶中提出了一杯茶。


二手轮胎的全球贸易是负责的主要因素用于介绍Aedesinvasive mosquitoes (AIMs) that are major disease vectors (e.g. dengue, Zika, chikungunya and yellow fever). As the eggs of埃及埃及andAe。白化病可以承受几个月的干燥,它们可以在二手轮胎中搭便车沿全球搭m脚。A classic example of how easily these tropical and subtropical species can enter new territories is the 4600-mile journeyAe。aegyptitook fromFlorida to The Netherlands via a shipment of used tyres

With climate change, AIMs can find themselves in regions more climatically suitable than it would have been previously possible, bringing with them the threat of disease.艾德(Aedes botictus)is now one of the most地球上的侵入性动物物种

埃及埃及血液喂养。(图片由弗兰克·哈德利·柯林斯(Frank Hadley Collins)教授,Dir。

目前用于使用的监视方法adult traps and larval dippingi.e. catching adult mosquitoes and the larvae of a breeding population. The ideal scenario would be to catch AIMs eggs coming into a new territory at the point of entry before adults emerge, females blood feed (which itself runs a risk due to登革热的跨动力传播),,,,mate and potentially establish a breeding population. Currently, no tested method exists to screen imported used tyres for eggs in diapause, the life stage most at risk from accidental introduction.


After a day carrying out AIM surveillance at Liverpool Port using adult traps, over a cup of tea we came up with the idea of using adhesive tape to screen used tyres. In the lab we tested four inexpensive, readily available tapes to see how effective they were in picking upAe。aegypti二手车轮胎的鸡蛋。我们测试了胶带,包装胶带,透明的胶带和身体胶带(对后者进行了测试珍妮弗·洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez)穿着范思哲(Versace)连衣裙!)。


所有磁带都成功地捡起了Ae。aegyptieggs, whilst the efficiency was less on dirty tyres compared to a clean one, pick up of eggs was still possible. Thesuccesswe saw in the lab was three-fold.

埃及埃及eggs on section of a used car tyre and on the surface of adhesive tape. (Photo by Dave Goodson from Dallimore, T., Goodson, D., Batke, S. et al. Parasites Vectors 13, 91 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13071-020-3939-0)




推荐的筛查程序,用于存在目标卵的使用轮胎。(摘自达利莫尔(T. Dallimore),Goodson,D.,Batke,S。等。寄生虫矢量13,91(2020)。https://doi.org/10.1186/s13071-020-3939-0)。

这个新的监测方法可能成为一个标准rdised tool with global applicability. In turn, it could lead to increased predictability of introductions and improve screening methods at high risk entry points. We have recommended a procedure for screening used tyres with adhesive tape and the potential pathways that can be taken. Who would have thought that humble tape could be a potential weapon in the fight against arboviral diseases thatthreaten 50% of the world’s population



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