War of the Worms

In a caste system similar to some social insects, larval stages of some parasitic trematodes are allocated to be soldiers to defend the colony when under invasion. A recent study reports on the dynamic processes underpinning solider allocation in trematodes.

Caste formation and how it works

The allocation of specific jobs to individuals and the co-operative division of labour within a colony is a well-established phenomenon called a ‘caste system’, and has been thoroughly characterised within organisms with hierarchical communities, such as蚂蚁and蜜蜂。种姓形成也已被认可reef-shrimp,,,,sea anemonesand痣鼠

然而,近年来有越来越多body of evidence showing that a complex caste system is present in a number ofDigenean trematodes(寄生虫)。

Himasthala sp的生殖与士兵之间的明显形态差异。(a)主要的变形雷亚=生殖形式(包含5个发达的cercariae),次级变形redia =士兵形式。(b)士兵形式的特写,显示了大咽(pH),衣领(CO)和后附属物(AP)。来源

In a tightly organised society with a caste system, individuals are often divided into those that are reproductive and non-reproductive. Those that are non-reproductive (soldiers) are morphologically distinct from their reproductive counterparts and are specialised to defend the colony from invasion by attacking and killing invading organisms.

在Trematodes中,种姓制度在其生命周期的殖民阶段生效,当时它居住在水生蜗牛中。A奇迹从其确定的宿主沉积在水中的卵中孵化。然后,奇迹定位并感染其中间蜗牛宿主,如果成功,则建立了一段增殖的无性发育(一个菌落),从而产生了> 10,000个遗传上相同的幼虫。分配为士兵的幼虫trematodes(rediae)比其生殖同事更小,更薄,但口点相对较大,并且have been shown在可能发生其他trematodododos殖民地入侵的蜗牛宿主区域中,更活跃(并且部署不成比例地部署)。

((a) Generic lifecycle of trematode species. (b) Dissected snail with an established trematode colony. The mantle and basal visceral mass are invasion areas, with soldiers and reproductives produced in the gonadal region. Source.

研究2017and2020have both utilisedCerithideopsis加州to research the caste formation phenomena. The California horn snail is a marine gastropod recognised to play host to a diverse range of trematode species (at least 18), and so provided a perfect organism to research colony competition and the mechanisms behind soldier allocation.


The mechanism by which larval trematodes are allocated as either soldiers or reproductives is currently undetermined. However, it is known that resources are limited, and defences are costly. Much like the medieval kingdoms of Europe, trematodes pay a heavy cost to keep astanding army准备回应入侵。但是,他们为军队支付的费用不是像旧的封建主人那样的货币,而是以幼虫为士兵的分配而不是生殖产量减少的形式而不是其生殖形式。



Two hypotheses of optimal soldier allocation have been presented: inducible and constitutive mechanisms. Inducible (plastic) allocation infers that there will be different numbers of soldiers allocated to areas under a high threat of invasion (invasion fronts) in real time, whereas constitutive (innate) allocation essentially says that soldier allocation is fixed in a colony overtime, and that an increased threat of invasion in a specific area of the snail host doesn’t promote increased soldier allocation.

尽管有迹象蚂蚁,,,,黄蜂,甚至是trematodecan increase the numbers of soldiers in response to an increase in threat, we currently lack strong evidence if differences in the location of that threat can in some way influences soldier allocation.

Aplastic mechanism of soldier allocation when threat levels are high has indeed been shown insocial insects然而,一种trematode的物种,只有在以侵略性物种的侵略性弹性(也称为杂种侵略者)的侵略性弹性时,才显示在trematodes中。


Soldiers ready!

Results from the学习detail that soldier allocation substantially increased with an increased threat of invasion, and thus supporting a plastic mechanism of soldier allocation, and the optimal allocation theory. Interestingly, all six species of trematode shared a similar response, significantly increasing their solider allocation when the perceived threat level increased.



Understandably, co-infection of the same snail host by multiple trematodes (colonies or species) creates opportunities for competition. For instance, it’s been shown that larvalechinostomes早于幼虫血块在他们共同的蜗牛宿主中,与血块物种的竞争和统治表现。Martina Laidemitt及其同事表明,证据表明echinostomes计谋ld reduce the prevalence of schistosomes implies they could be used as a biological control agent, and could provide an attractive approach to controlling血吸虫病

如果您想了解有关这个有趣的话题的更多信息,请查看我们的other blog post关于Trematode士兵。

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