Eye disease eliminated from The Gambia

Another good news story: a recent article in PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases outlines the journey taken by The Gambia to reach the point where the WHO has declared that the eye disease, trachoma, is no longer a public health problem.

A leading cause of blindness, the eye disease trachoma,是地方性44个国家and has caused impaired vision or blindness in 1.9 million people.

Trachoma is is the result of an infection with衣原体沙眼,,,,a bacterium that causes a roughening of the inner surface of the eyelids. The initial symptoms are similar to conjunctivitis, with low level irritation and ocular discharge. Reinfection can occur multiple times.

If untreated, recurrent infections result in more severe symptoms leading to the eyelids turning inwards with the eyelashes rubbing on the eye causing沙眼tous inflammation—follicular(提皮病)。角膜的疤痕会导致不可逆的失明。

This is a disease of crowded living conditions, poor sanitation, lack of water for washing and the presence of flies. The bacterium is spread via direct contact with secretions from the eyes or nose of an infected person, or indirectly, via clothing or transmission on the legs and mouthparts of flies.



Age-standardises DALYs from trachoma by country (per 100,000 inhabitants) Wikicommons, attribution data from2002年谁成员国的死亡率和疾病估计负担((2009-11-07) Combined by Lokal.



  • 手术
  • 抗生素
  • 面部清洁
  • Environmental improvement



冈比亚是西非一个相对较小的国家,沿着冈比亚河两侧延伸,人口在很大程度上是农村。早在1959年,沙眼被认为是公共卫生问题,当发现一个村庄中有超过65%的幼儿被感染时。基于Medical Research Council法贾拉(Fajara)的中心扩展到包括其他被忽视的热带疾病计划,并在1986年进行了全国调查发现,沙眼瘤是冈比亚的17%的失明病例。十年后,另一项调查发现,这将减少到5%,但该国的所有地区都需要干预呈滴虫病。

The trachoma elimination experience

Agatha Aboe和她的团队有最近描述的the tribulations and successes involved in the journey to eliminate this disease from The Gambia.

从1997年开始与基线映射来识别where and who has trachoma, the Government based its programme for elimination on the SAFE strategy. It was backed by multiple partnerships, including theBritish Medical Research CouncilLondon School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine。为培训卫生工作者提供了资源,提供基础设施和车辆,并为所有级别的卫生工作者提供薪水。


At ground level, the programme relied upon community volunteers, referred to asNyateros(摘自Mandinka的意思是“眼睛的朋友”),学校老师和乡村卫生工作者。他们接受了两天的培训,并配备了火炬,视敏度图和海报,以便他们在必要时可以转介患者进行手术。


At the community level, various routes were used to communicate the necessity for daily face washing with clean water and soap, proper hand washing, keeping domestic animals away from houses and the proper location of pit latrines. This was aided by a government clean water and sanitation project.

Surgical steps for treatment of entropion and trichiasis Otis Historical Archives Nat’l Museum of Health & Medicine, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Between 2001-2020, ninety-four Gambian ophthalmic nurses were trained as trichiasis surgeons. However, some poor surgical outcomes were discovered, which could have affected the uptake of surgery, and some nurses required further training.



Other problems included the extension of trachoma surveillance from school-based surveys to include madrasas, when it was recognised that active cases were occurring in these.




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