




Both human and livestock schistosomiasis can lead to loss of earnings and reduced productivity. A One Health approach is needed to understand the true socio-economic impact of schistosomiasis and to help design multi-sector coordinated elimination efforts. And the benefits could be significant.


报告发表Economist Intelligence Unit最终基金发现,由于人类血吸虫病和土壤传播的赫尔明氏症(STH),埃塞俄比亚,肯尼亚,卢旺达和津巴布韦在2030购买力奇偶校验(PPP) by 2040. It also reported that eliminating the ill health associated with human schistosomiasis and STHs in school-age children in these countries could improve their ability to learn and attend school. Their estimates suggest that this could potentially benefit these children by US$1.2bn (PPP) in extra wages between 2021 and 2040 once they enter the workforce.

水和economic development projects

Human schistosomiasis needs to be considered when water resource and economic development projects are designed, such as large-scale irrigation projects to increase food security and agricultural productivity. If these projects underestimate the risk of schistosomiasis their investments can backfire leading to outbreaks of schistosomiasis, with farmers near these projects experiencing a loss of productivity instead of the desired increased economic benefit. This was recently highlighted in出版物的莱2021查看血吸虫病在布基纳法索的经济影响,研究人员表明,一旦考虑到了血吸虫病的健康影响,水资源开发项目的经济回报大大降低:大型大坝附近的村庄遭受平均收益率损失20%。此外,作者发现,消除布基纳法索的血吸虫病将使平均农作物产量提高约7%,而高感染簇的平均农作物产量升至32%。阅读作者的博客在这里了解有关这项研究的更多信息。

Livestock schistosomiasis

最近一项研究Adeyemo2022assessed the financial impact of livestock schistosomiasis to farmers in Senegal and developed a baseline of the losses and expenditures due to schistosomiasis insubsistence经过的人farming. The authors report that schistosomiasis in livestock is a known problem for farmers in the 12 villages studied, with farmers describing clinical signs of potential schistosomiasis infections in their herd, such as weight loss, hollowing around the eye and diarrhoea. Farmers reported that they would seek local veterinary advice, some saying they have treated for schistosomiasis. The authors modelled two scenarios; scenario one, where farmers test and treat their livestock for schistosomiasis and scenario two where there are no test or treatment options. The models showed that in scenario two the cost to farmers was substantial, reducing the farmer’s livelihood and potentially leading to a situation where basic needs cannot be met.


血吸虫病是由多种棘体寄生虫引起的,感染包括人类在内的不同动物宿主。这些血吸虫中的一些非常擅长感染多种物种,例如S. Japonicumwhich can infect over 40 mammalian hosts, and others have the ability to infect different hosts to form zoonotic hybrids, e.g. between cattle and human schistosomes,S. bovisS. haematobiumrespectively, as highlighted在这个博客中。在牲畜和人类近距离生活和经常使用相同水源的社区中,人畜共患病是对人类血吸虫病消除工作的重大挑战。此外,在他们旨在支持的人群中,不充分缓解血吸虫病的水开发项目可能导致这种令人沮丧的疾病爆发或增加这种使人衰弱的疾病,从而减少了项目和投资的经济回报,并增加卫生社区和部委的负担必须花费已经有限的资源来解决血吸虫病感染。

Schistosomiasis affects human health, agricultural production, work productivity and educational outcomes. The ability of some species to form hybrids and expand host species ranges means there are zoonotic implications for this disease, but also that a holistic approach including interventions targeting livestock schistosomiasis could have beneficial spill over effects for human health. The authors inAdeyemo2022also highlight that with the lack of test & treat for livestock and the potential availability of donated praziquantel for humans, may lead farming families to opt to treat their herd and protect their food & income, rather than their own health. Apart from the health implications, this also increases the risk of parasite resistance to the only known drug effective against all schistosome species. A One Health and multi-sector coordinated approach could address all these aspects, benefiting communities by protecting human and animal health, safeguarding water development investments, and increasing productivity and economic development.

So what is the true economic impact of schistosomiasis? Only a One Health approach can answer this question.

