

每年,伦敦国家历史博物馆都会举办年度野生动植物摄影师。从全球各地拍摄的伟大生物的惊人图像,争夺奖品。安大略省的本地人吉尔·威尔顿(Gil Wilzen)参加了2021年比赛的图像。图像一只蚊子blood-feed。但是,这种闪闪发光的紫罗兰昆虫与昆虫学家所熟悉的大多数蚊子不同。个人Sabethes属的虹彩颜色和“毛茸茸”的局势令人震惊,可以在中央和南美洲找到。获奖的照片带领英国广播公司问“Is this the world’s most beautiful mosquito?”



虽然令人印象深刻,但拍摄这张照片有风险。这Sabethesmosquitos are poorly understood, but they are known to carry diseases of major risk to human health. Captured specimens of the mosquito have been found to harbour a number of different flaviviruses when analysed. South America is a region where yellow fever is endemic, and indeed experiments conducted in the late 50s demonstrated thatSabethes sp。是在之间有能力的黄热病病毒的媒介rhesus macaques。但是,传输通常很差,许多尝试失败了,因此风险可能很低。无论如何,许多前往南美的旅行者将接种疫苗针对黄热病病毒。

这re is no vaccine or even medicine, however, to protect from St Louis encephalitis virus, another vector-borne pathogen this vector has beenfound to carry in Panama。这disease this virus causes is mostly asymptomatic or mild, but can develop into severe neurologicalsymptoms and result in disability or death。此外Sabethesmosquitoes have been found with the obscure Ilhéus virus, which causesilhéus脑炎。This disease is not often mentioned in the literature, but the virus is considered a pathogen which could threaten to cause epidemics in the future – an emergent disease. The symptoms of infection tend to be mild gastrointestinal or respiratory complaints, but progression to the nervous system can lead to encephalitis. WhetherSabethes sp。can transmit St Louis or Ilhéus encephalitis virus between primates has not been investigated.

•这些物种带有的壮观桨的特写。来自eel_leerhold(arnqvist.org)。詹姆斯·加塔尼(James Gathany)。

Flamboyance beyond appearance

Established as an insect of medical importance, attention shifted to the deep blue leg paddles that both sexes of the mosquito possess. Why doesSabethes运动这些有光泽的附属物?线索来自以下非凡的观察,即在蚊子中独有的观察Sabethesspexhibit courtship behaviours prior to mating. A team at Ohio State University in Colombus consisting of Robert G. Hancock, Woodbridge A. Foster and Wee L. Yeewas the first to documenthow the male mosquito initiates a series of set movements before, and during, copulation. The female mosquito hangs from underneath a surface and waits for males to approach before they engage in this dance, utilising their paddles as part of the maneuver. The discerning female often rejects males during this performance, suggesting that they are assessing their potential mate during the dance.


•Sabeth在实验室杯中饲养Cyaneus。图片来源:Sabethes Cyaneus蚊子(44743764540).JPG - Wikimedia Commons。

这egg trebuchet

对他们独特的外观和求爱表演不满意Sabethes sp在蚊子中也是非凡的。在野外,Sabetheseggs were found in tree cavities filled with water, and with entrances amounting to a small hole. When the female detects a hole, she will secrete an egg onto the tip of her abdomen, and then fling the egg with a jerk of her body. The egg then flies through the air and lands safely inside the cavity. The original entomologist to请注意此行为,,,,Pedro Galindo in Panama, experimented with making the entrance holes smaller and smaller to see how accurate the egg trebuchet was. He found that the mechanism never seemed to miss, so theSabethes sp非常擅长似乎有冒险的策略。

In 2020 the lab of Ricardo Lourenço-de-Oliveira at the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, captured this egg slingingwith a high speed camera,illuminating the split-second process in detail.

•这些物种带有的壮观桨的特写。来自eel_leerhold(arnqvist.org)。詹姆斯·加塔尼(James Gathany)。

这y constructed egg traps out of Sapucaia nuts, large round fruits from the same sub-family as the trees which produce Brazil nuts. Although all observations of egg slinging occurred under lab conditions, with lab-reared colonies, this trap has successfully been used in the field to obtainSabethes sp年轻的。这项研究捕获了雌性徘徊在孔周围,挤出鸡蛋的清晰图像,以及腹部和四肢的协调运动以推动鸡蛋前进。


This species of mosquito certainly seems to stand out from the crowd; however this ‘crowd’ is made up only of the insects documented up to this point. Michael Weissmann, chief entomologist of Colorado Mosquito Control,问是否there may be more surprises among what hasn’t been studied out in the wilderness; “ For most of the over 3,000 species of mosquitoes identified, hardly anything is known about their biology and behavior. Perhaps there are other unusual stories of mosquito courtship waiting to be discovered in a tropical forest.”


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