
早在2018年,我参加了the 5thInternational One Health Congress由One Health平台主持。对我来说,就看到“一个健康”概念的范围以及真正将“一个健康”方法付诸实践的挑战和障碍的角度来看,这是一个开眼界。一种健康方法可以为行星健康问题提供持久的解决方案,但是,需要的跨学科合作并不容易。在这里,我讨论了期刊可以促进协作的一些方法。

一个健康是一个巨大的概念,对一个健康的涵盖有不同的定义。这美国CDCdescribes it as:


一个卫生委员会defines it as:



A scientific journal is not just a store for published papers (that may get read a handful of times) but can be a platform for bringing together papers on common themes (through collections and Special Issues) and making your work ‘discoverable’ through different publishing models and offering avenues that are available alongside the ‘traditional journal’.

迈克尔·施洛特(Michael Schloter)((Helmholtz Center for Environmental Health) is co-Editing an ambitious Special Issue in the transformative journalMicrobial Ecology新兴的病原体,粮食安全和一种健康邀请任何学科的论文,并鼓励跨学科合作(当前和未来)找到解决全球健康问题的解决方案。


这“One Health” concept describes the interlink between environment and human health. It is based on the observation that many common diseases are a result of negative impacts from disturbed environments. This includes allergies, infectious diseases, but also cancer and diabetes. The interaction of environmental- and human microbiomes plays a key role in this concept, focusing first on antibiotic resistant and pathogenic microbiota, but acknowledging nowadays also the importance of a highly diverse environmental microbiome as trigger for our immune system.



迈克尔的特刊目前正在邀请新提交的内容,但是即使您最近的论文已经发表,也将其包括在收藏中(无需额外的费用)还为时不晚。出版商在趋势或新兴主题上创建了收藏(许多是跨新闻),因此在营销电子邮件或期刊主页上寻找它们。我个人创建的这样的协作集合是Contribution of climate change to the spread of infectious diseases,,,,which brings together already published open access papers from sixteen journals. Papers are then brought to the attention of readers from completely different journals through these collections.

Another way that journals can play an important role in promoting collaboration is through improved discoverability. Of course, making your research Open Access is a significant way to achieve this, as many interested and potential collaborators may not have access to journals. Publishing datasets and making them openly available is a not so obvious, but still useful approach to promoting discoverability (datasets can be published on their own or along with a research paper) and encouraging collaboration by enabling someone else to build on the information already available – theMissing Maps projectoperates on this basis.Ruth Timme and her colleaguesexplain how genomic data can be optimized and shared to support One Health approaches.

科学论文不是最容易阅读digest. They follow a prescribed language format and are not accessible to people outside that scientific discipline. Blogs allows for a relaxed and informal way of communicating complex scientific concepts – BugBitten being an excellent example of this. What you may not realize is that publishers often host blog platforms that are free – and importantly they are keen for you to use them to talk about your work. BugBitten receives between 20 to 30,000 visitors (academic and non-academic) per month, making it a great way to promote your work to potential collaborators. BugBitten is part of the widerbob足球彩票and Nature portfolio hostscommunities sites- 所有这些博客也可以提供给作者。只需联系您的期刊的编辑办公室或出版编辑,以了解如何使用他们的博客。


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