
在一个最近的社论for the International Journal for Educational Integrity, Sarah Elaine Eaton wrote about New Priorities for Academic Integrity: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Decolonization, and Indigenization. Here she extends the conversation to discuss overrepresentation of minority groups in student misconduct cases and why more data is needed to address systemic barriers to student success.

区分很重要actual rates of misconductandrates of reporting不当行为。

Issues relating to equity, diversity, inclusion, decolonization, and Indigenization have been neglected in studies and practices related to academic and scientific integrity. My interest in this topic was sparked when Tracey Bretag delivered a workshop calledAcademic Integrity and Embracing Diversityat the2019年的加拿大学术诚信研讨会。特别是,我被澳大利亚的证据所震惊,指出学生不当行为案件的过分占代表性。当报告一个或多个小组的人因不成比例的不成比例而不是他们在整个学生团体中的代表性时,就会发生过多的学生行为。例如,如果说英语作为另一种语言的学生占整个学生人数的20%,但占该小组的40%进行了学术作弊,那就是过分代表。在加拿大,关于overrepresentation of Indigenous people in the criminal justice system,,,,but there has been almost no research to understand overrepresentation in student misconduct cases among people from equity-deserving groups.

区分很重要actual rates of misconductandrates of reporting不当行为。Bretag and her colleagues in Australia found thatstudents who spoke a language other than English were more likely to be identified as having engaged in contract cheating(将人的学术工作外包给第三方的实践)。美国的一项研究表明国际学生报告学术不当行为的可能性高五倍。英国的一项小型研究发现黑人学生的报道可能是学术不当行为的五倍。We need to be clear that these statistics do not necessarily mean that students from these demographic groups are cheating more, but instead that they are getting reported for cheating more often.

It is quite possible that domestic students and who are white women who are also native speakers of English could be more likely to be forgiven for misconduct without ever being reported.

Patterns of reporting student misconduct

CC0 licensed, by Pexlels, uploaded by Keira Burton

还有进一步的证据表明,在接受正式的学术不当行为处罚后,international students were less likely to be retained在他们的大学。这意味着目前还不清楚that international students were more likely to be suspended, expelled, or drop out, but nevertheless the correlation between student retention rates with those who have been reported for academic misconduct is a topic that merits further study.


我们需要更多证据来大规模证实这些主张,但我们也不能忽略可用证据中的新兴模式。我们所知道的指向可能性of bias and discrimination in faculty reporting practices与学生作弊和其他类型的不当行为有关。这场辩论并不新鲜。Sue Saltmarsh在2005年出版的第一年IJEI写道a compelling essay about racism against international students,,,,particularly with regards to how plagiarism is understood and reported. Since then, we have come a long way in advocating for data-based approaches to addressing systemic barriers and discrimination, but we still have more work to do.

我以前有主张在报告的学生不当行为案件中收集更多人口统计数据在高等教育中。收集此类数据的目的必须与human rights principles那是为了以下目的进行人口统计数据收集的倡导者

  • identifying systemic discrimination
  • 拆除历史上边缘化人群中劣势的系统
  • 促进公平

加拿大的研究人员已经确定a reluctance to collect demographic student data related to student success,但是lack of data does not mean lack of a problem。”正如大学公平,多样性和包容性副教务长马林达·史密斯(Malinda Smith)指出的那样,“racism denial…. helps to sustain an environment in which racism remains unchecked。”

The need for more equity in reporting and addressing allegations of misconduct

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