
In a blog for稀有疾病日2022, Cheney Drew discusses theDomino-HD研究中,注册的ISRCTN registry,,,,which aims to provide new insights into lifestyle and genetic risk factors in Huntington’s disease.







Whilst work continues to identify and test new drug treatments for HD, it is important to continue investigating other ways that the disease course may be altered and for ways to improve the quality of life of people living with HD. Previous research has shown that point at which symptoms start to become apparent and how quickly the symptoms worsen can be influenced by things other than the disease-causing mutation alone. These factors include other genes (known as genetic modifiers), physical activity and a person’s environment.

Our group have conducted a number of studies looking at how physical activity interventions may benefit people with HD. Given the potential of other lifestyle factors to influence the progression of HD, we wanted to extend this work to see if a holistic lifestyle intervention might provide benefit and improve the quality of life of people with HD. However, there are lots of things we do not know about the general lifestyle of people with HD which we need to understand first, and this is the subject of theDomino-HD研究(多域生活方式目标,用于改善亨廷顿氏病的预后)。


Domino-HD是一个由神经退行性疾病联合计划资助的项目,是由莫妮卡·布斯(Monica Busse)在卡迪夫(Cardiff)领导的财团努力,由爱尔兰,西班牙,德国,瑞士,波兰,兰德公司,兰德公司和欧洲亨廷顿协会的合作伙伴捐款。在这个项目中,我们要衡量一个人的生活方式和预先确定的遗传概况如何结合起来,以影响HD的进展方式。同时,我们正在研究使用市售数字设备来衡量生活方式的这些方面的方法,以最大程度地提高数据收集,同时减少参与者的负担。


It is really important to highlight that commercially available devices like Fitbit have been developed for use by ‘average’ people. We do not know if the devices will record sleep and physical activity in people with a movement disorder with the same degree of reliability as those it was designed for. Therefore, we are also running a number of sub-studies across all the consortium partners to investigate this further. The sub-studies include a closer examination of using Fitbit to record sleep, physical activity and energy expenditure (i.e. calorie burn) as well as a deeper exploration into the role of nutrition and diet.

Once all the data has been collected and analyzed, we want to use it to develop a lifestyle intervention, which would include advice and guidance on physical activity, sleep and nutrition which we could then test to see if it helps improve quality of life in HD. We also hope to understand more about how digital technologies can be employed in longer-term research to reduce the burden on those volunteering to take part. This can then be applied to long-term research in other conditions and rare diseases to maximize research efficiency and potential.

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