

In this blog, we will look at some of the studies registered with theISRCTN注册表that investigate the role of nursing care in diabetes and the provision of diabetes care during the COVID-19 pandemic. A collection of research into diabetes from Springer Nature to commemorate World Diabetes Day 2020 can be found on ourlanding page.

病人医疗沙发上坐着,一个护士斯坦ding is demonstrating an insulin pen
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国际糖尿病联合会World Diabetes Day 2020falls on November 14th and the theme ‘Nurses make the difference for diabetes’ aims to raise awareness around the crucial role that nurses play in supporting people living with diabetes and the global shortage of nurses. Additionally, the UN has set ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for people of all ages as one of itssustainable development goals.

这UN sustainable development target 3.4 is to reduce premature mortality from non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes, by one-third by 2030 through prevention and treatment and the promotion of mental health and well-being.

Nurses play a vital role in the diagnosis and prevention of diabetes and the reduction of diabetic complications by tackling risk factors for type 2 diabetes, screening and diagnosing at-risk individuals, and providing education, self-management advice, and psychological support to patients. With the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions that have been put in place to reduce the spread of the virus, there has been a decrease in face-to-face healthcare appointments.

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高血糖水平会从脚开始引起神经损伤和感觉丧失,从而导致溃疡。糖尿病护士参与了这些溃疡的护理。建议坐着,以免患者脚踩压力,但是,缺乏运动也会带来负面的健康后果。这‘SIT and be FIT’ studywill investigate the health impacts of seated arm exercise in diabetic foot ulcer patients.


不同专业护士在糖尿病护理中的作用也很重要,因为许多糖尿病患者都有多种健康状况。这DEPSY study将研究针对精神病学护士量身定制的糖尿病教育的影响,因为患有严重精神疾病的人患糖尿病和糖尿病管理不良的风险更高,因此并发症。

Using virtual appointments and mobile applications to deliver diabetes care may be necessary during the COVID-19 pandemic, and could allow patients greater access to information and allow nurses to provide additional support between appointments.

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Being physically active and exercising is important in the treatment of type 2 diabetes in helping to control blood sugar and prevent complications. The激励T2Dstudy is investigating the use of mobile health technology to provide exercise advice for people with type 2 diabetes In Canada and the UK that might usually be delivered by a specialist nurse.

S相似,糖尿病教育的研究using a mobile app for people with type 2 diabetes will provide education and management advice digitally and assess the impact of this on health.

许多糖尿病患者需要胰岛素治疗以控制血糖水平。这GetFit studyis investigating a messaging service to support German patients with type 2 diabetes on insulin therapy to provide individualised care, which would usually be calculated during appointments with healthcare professionals.


A young child rests their chin on their arms looking at a pile of sugar cubes and a glass of a carbonated cola drink on a table
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Additionally, theD1 Now studyplans to use mobile communication, via SMS messaging, for type 1 diabetes patients in Ireland and the UK. The messaging tool will send reminders and ask questions about alcohol intake, motivation and support for diabetes management, blood glucose monitoring, and incidences of severely low blood sugar or diabetic ketoacidosis.


在COVID-19大流行期间,获得糖尿病护理和支持一如既往至关重要。找出如何可以参与其中in raising awareness on #WorldDiabetesDay. You can also find out more about the UN’ssustainable development goals和what we are doing at Springer Nature to支持这些目标.

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