
In a blog forWorld Health Day,Duncan N. Shikuku和Charles A. Ameh讨论了助产士在改善孕产妇和新生儿健康方面的关键作用,以及在他们的研究中测试的助产士教育干预措施ISRCTN registry

这critical role of midwives in improving maternal and newborn health

risk of death在怀孕和分娩期间,在资源有限的环境中最大,最终可以预防maternal mortalityrequires critical investments in frontline maternity care providers to meet the ambitiousSustainable Development Goal((SDG) maternal and newborn health (MNH) targets by 2030.

受过教育并受到国际标准的助产士,并在设备齐全的能力环境中工作87%基本MNH护理服务。据估计,属于助产士实践范围内的基本孕产妇,新生儿和计划生育干预措施的普遍报道可能会阻止83%在所有产妇和新生的死亡和死亡中。在全球范围内扩大以助产士为主导的护理的规模可以转化为保存4.3 million到2035年,孕产妇和新生儿的生命。

在Covid-19的大流行期间,尽管challengeswith personal protective equipment, work-related stress and ineffective communications. Therefore, greater investment in midwifery is an essential pathway to achieving可持续发展目标3 MNH目标。

Challenges to midwifery training and education

Countries are making efforts to expand and deliver equitable midwifery services, but comprehensive, disaggregated data for determining the availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality of the midwifery workforce arenot available


Evidence shows a宽差距在当前基于证据的标准和提供者的能力之间,以管理选定的产科和新生儿并发症。此外,还有证据表明significant variationin the knowledge and skills of maternity care providers by country in sub-Saharan Africa. Besides, pre-service midwifery education curricula have been批评在低收入和中等收入国家(LMIC)中是很大程度上是教学法的。

各国必须投资助产士教育,以符合当前的标准skilled health personnel(SHP)。SHP是受过教育,培训和监管国家和国际标准(助产士国际联邦)的有能力的MNH专业人员,并且有能力识别和管理或转介妇女和/或新生儿,因此可以执行紧急孕妇和新生儿护理的所有信号功能(EMOC)优化妇女和新生儿的健康和福祉。


一个structured approach to improving in-service midwifery training and education programs in Kenya


通过有效的合作伙伴关系,已经实现了肯尼亚助产教育的质量。通过支持实施研究UK Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office KenyaJohnson and Johnson Centre for Health Worker Innovation


Collaboration with the肯尼亚护理委员会,,,,Clinical Officers Council of Kenya,,,,and pre-service training taskforce chaired by the Kenya Ministry of Health (MoH), ensured that a comprehensive review of the syllabi and curriculum for midwives and clinical officers in Kenya was undertaken.

这Emergency Obstetric Care and Quality of Care unit, International Public Health Department at the利物浦热带医学学校(LSTM)已经开发并管理了这些合作伙伴关系,旨在提高SHP的能力。这对于通过肯尼亚的卫生系统方法来提高孕产妇和新生儿护理的质量至关重要。


肯尼亚卫生部建立了国家职前工作队,要求协调SHP前服务前培训的EMOC集成。LSTM支持肯尼亚护理委员会in 2019 to review and update the midwifery training syllabi to reflect the current international SHP competencies integrating the EmOC.

Consequently, the midwifery curriculum at theKenya Medical Training College这是肯尼亚人力资源的最大贡献者,占医院劳动力的85%以上,已修订和更新。


一个簇随机对照试验in Kenya investigated the effectiveness of an EmOC-improved curriculum, capacity strengthening of midwifery educators, provision of hands-on training equipment and mentoring of trained midwifery educators. The trial showed a statistically significant improvement in the skills of final-year midwifery students in the intervention group compared to the control group. That study was the proof of concept that led to updating of the national midwifery education syllabi in Kenya.


With the curriculum now formally updated with the participation of all partners,a comprehensive study衡量其有效性正在肯尼亚进行。除了增强助产士和临床医学教育工作者的能力外,还将向教育者和设备提供指导,以进行技能培训。预计肯尼亚的经验,该试验的结果将成为其他LMIC助产士教育投资的模板。

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