World Mental Health Day 2021: mental health in an unequal world

This blog for World Mental Health Day 2021 will discuss a selection of research registered at theISRCTN注册表investigating and tackling the impact of inequality on people’s mental health.

这World Federation for Mental Health’sWorld Mental Health Day 2021跌倒在10月10日,鼓励研究人员分享他们对心理健康不平等的了解以及如何解决这个问题的想法。许多研究对心理健康状况的治疗和预防的研究正在进行中,因此“心理和行为障碍”是ISRCTN注册中注册的研究最常用的疾病类别。

这theme of ‘Mental Health in an Unequal World’ aims to raise awareness of the inequality in access to mental health care, both locally and globally, for marginalised people, particularly for people living in poverty. According toUN 2016 data,“每年有近80万人自杀死亡,而79%的全球自杀发生在低收入和中等收入国家”。

联合国已经确保了健康的生活,并促进人们的心理健康和福祉。sustainable development goals。联合国可持续发展目标3.4是在2030年通过预防和治疗以及促进心理健康和福祉来减少非传染性疾病(例如心理健康状况)的过早死亡。


Similarly, a National Mental Health Study in Colombia found high levels of mental distress and illness and poor access to treatment in Colombia’s children and adolescents, including high levels of post-traumatic stress symptoms, following a period of armed conflict.一项研究has adapted the DIALOG+ mental health intervention for use in Colombian schools to improve the mental health, resilience, and quality of life of adolescents in post-conflict Colombia during the COVID-19 pandemic.

一种child rides a bike past tents of a refugee camp
©Cloverphoto / Getty Images / Istock

People living in challenged humanitarian settings such as displaced people, refugees, and those living in conflict/post-conflict situations are at greater risk of mental health difficulties. For children in these settings, their caregivers act as their main protective factors.

Strong Families计划是专门用于在低资源环境中使用的,并在居住在阿富汗的家庭中进行了试验。结果suggested that this program was effective and feasible in a resource-limited setting and improved child mental health, parenting practices, and family adjustment skills. The effectiveness and acceptability of the Strong Families intervention is now also being在居住在伊朗的家庭中评估

Due to ongoing political and social conflicts, the number of international refugees has been increasing. Refugees are exposed to severe mental challenges and potentially subject to traumatic experiences so the risk of psychiatric disorders is increased. TheREMEX研究正在调查生活在希腊难民营地对心理健康的难民中的运动和运动干预的影响。


一种n older person covering their face with their hands
©mrmohock /

结果of this trial suggested a decrease in loneliness and an increase in resilience in the older people who received the intervention as well as fewer barriers to social participation, fewer depressive symptoms, increased life satisfaction, and happiness.


Similarly, there are significant mental health related inequalities for the UK Black community as people from Black African and Caribbean backgrounds are four times more likely to be detained under the Mental Health Act, and experience poorer treatment and recovery outcomes in comparison to other ethnic groups. The在trac上project aims to address this by developing a mental health awareness and stigma reduction intervention for Black faith communities.


在我们的2021年纪念世界心理健康日,史普林格自然汇编的研究集可以在我们的bob游戏平台landing page。You can also find out more about the UN’ssustainable development goals和what we are doing at Springer Nature to支持这些目标

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