Advancing the science of scaling up: highlights from the 2nd Annual UK Implementation Science Research Conference

伦敦国王学院的实施科学中心于去年夏天举行了第二届英国实施科学研究会议,BMC自豪地支持和参加。会议的程序随后是出版Implementation Science,我们的实施科学界的旗舰杂志。在这里,健康创新网络肌肉骨骼副临床主任安德鲁·沃克(Andrew Walker)分享了今年活动的概述。

实施科学中心在伦敦国王学院举办第二届UK Implementation Science Research Conference on July 19th, 2019 which was supported by BMC, the UK Implementation Society, and King’s Health Partners. This year the conference’s theme was ‘Advancing the science of scaling up: Improving efficiency and effectiveness of implementation strategies in healthcare’. It attracted around 145 delegates that comprised applied health and social researchers, health and social professionals, policymakers, and service user researchers from across the globe.

会议以服务用户的观点开始,卫生倡导者和专家患者约瑟芬·塔珀(Josephine Tapper)提醒代表们对任何扩大努力的关键目的,以使使用健康和社会护理服务的人们受益。在她的演讲中‘Scaling up without leaving behind: A perspective from the ‘shop-floor’,约瑟芬(Josephine)描述了她通过作为专家患者的自愿工作来参与许多干预措施的经验,并提供了服务用户的观点,了解了规模的重要性以及从“做”方面的样子。


  • 了解复杂性
  • 现实主义者和定性评估
  • 产妇护理
  • 结构,产品和交换


At lunch we had the opportunity to look at the poster presentations, which spanned an array of clinical specialties, interventions, and settings. For example, there was work looking at scaling up guidance documents on dementia palliative care; measuring success of quality improvement in a mental health NHS Foundation Trust; lessons learnt from a novel HIV care and treatment funding model for health facilities in Nigeria; and impact of evidence-based healthcare education for Chinese medicine practitioners.

In the first of two afternoon plenaries, Prof Annette Boaz from Kingston University and St George’s, University of London gave a provocativesession要求我们考虑实施和扩大规模之间的区别(或不);即,扩展是更多的实现,还是需要不同的方法?Boaz教授还向我们挑战,要考虑实施研究中以民族为中心的偏见,并将扩大风险作为“殖民主义”的一种新形式。仅仅因为干预对在某种环境中的人群有效并不一定意味着它适合所有人群。

In the afternoon, I attended an excellent session called ‘Scale-up 2: clinical considerations’, which was chaired by Prof Geoff Curran and Prof Greg Aarons as lead discussant. Elena Pallari (King’s College London, UK) talked about scaling up a QI training with urology registrar training and Posy Bidwell (Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, UK) described the implementation of national QI project to reduce perineal trauma during childbirth. Rohina Joshi (The George Institute for Global Health, Australia) gave an elegantly simple presentation on a hugely complex implementation change on scaling up the use of verbal autopsy technology (SmartVA) to improve cause of death certification in The Philippines across over 700 islands and 1,400 municipalities. Despite the many challenges (not least the geographical barriers), Dr Joshi and colleagues have achieved amazing outcomes. When any of us feel we’re having a challenging day, I’d suggest looking at Dr Joshi’s work to help put the complexity of our problems into perspective!

当天,美国医学科学大学的医学社会学家兼药学实践和精神病学教授Geoff Curran教授闭幕。Curran教授开始了他的演讲。Greenhalgh和Papoustiwho said “…there is no simple or universally replicable way of implementing change at scale in a complex system”. Rising to the challenge, he saw this as a call to action to design strong scale-up studies to understand what does and does not work. For a comprehensive overview of the range of designs and methods for studying scale-up, check out his演示幻灯片


