
COPD是一种在很大程度上可以预防的疾病,但相对较未知 - 不仅在公众中,而且在处于危险之中的人中。主题2019年世界COPD日是“一起结束COPD”。COPD社区中的患者,家庭,临床医生和研究人员至关重要:只有通过分享我们的知识和经验,我们才能提高对COPD以及如何结束的认识。


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is just not one disease. It is a group of diseases characterized by breathing difficulties. COPD includes emphysema, damaged air sacs in the lungs, chronic bronchitis, and inflamed airways. In COPD, the airways are narrowed due to inflammation, making it harder to breathe.



In COPD, the damage to airways is permanent, but progression of the disease may be slowed through careful management. COPD is often treated with inhalers and medicines designed to make breathing easier and many patients also benefit from pulmonary rehabilitation, a specialized program of exercise and education. A limited number of patients may also benefit from surgical interventions. The most effective way to slow down the progression of COPD is to quit smoking.

越来越多的临床医生和研究人员看到慢性阻塞性肺病as one component of systemic disorder. COPD patients often suffer from a number of additional chronic conditions beyond the lungs, known as comorbidities, which are associated with increased risk of adverse events and death. Some common comorbidities include ischemic heart disease, heart failure, osteoporosis, gastroesophageal reflux, anxiety, and depression.


Who is affected by COPD?


COPDis often thought of as a disease of the old age. However, early identification is crucial because early interventions, especially smoking cessation, can reduce the decline of lung function.



How do we end COPD?

切换到更干净的能源来加热和烹饪,improving indoor ventilationareas that use biomass fuels减少呼吸道症状,肺功能下降和COPD风险。但是,烟草吸烟仍然是COPD的最常见原因。因此,结束COPD的最佳策略是:戒烟。通过广泛的公共卫生运动,吸烟禁令和税收,吸烟水平大大降低。尽管如此,全球11亿人still smoked tobacco in 2015

世界卫生组织到2025年,欧洲地区尚未达到目标的目标,将吸烟相对减少30%设定了自愿目标。在英国,14.1%的成年人口仍在吸烟,但政府宣布了制定'Smoke Free England’ by 2030.约80%of the world’s smokers live in low-to-middle income countries, reducing smoking in these areas is imperative if we want to end COPD.

