World Alzheimer’s Day: Every 3 seconds someone in the world develops dementia

Today on World Alzheimer's Awareness Day the CEO of Alzheimer’s Disease International, Paola Barbarino, sheds light on the current issue we are facing with an ever increasing burden of Alzheimer's diagnosis, highlighting the theme of this years World Alzheimer's Month "Every 3 Seconds".

The number of people who develop dementia increases every three seconds.
©Wildpixel / Getty Images / Istock

今天标志着7Th世界阿尔茨海默氏症的月份- 全球提高痴呆症意识和挑战污名的运动。今年,我们想强调全球健康流行病的巨大规模,以及在全球有5000万人的痴呆症患者背后,有一个声音,故事,家人和朋友也是如此做作的。患痴呆症的人数每三秒钟就会增加一次。因此,今年竞选活动的口号是“每3秒钟”。


政府将直接感受到以痴呆症为重点的公共卫生和社会护理政策的好处 - 仅2018年痴呆症的经济成本就是1万亿美元,这一数字估计到2030年是一倍。目前有痴呆症的5000万人及其家人(预计到2050年,他们的家人都将呈指数增长到1.52亿。

这个世界阿尔茨海默氏症的月份,,,,we are also calling on governments to invest a minimum of 1% of the societal cost of dementia to funding research in basic science, care improvements, prevention and risk reduction, drug development and public health.

Click the image to read the report

这个电话由我们加强2018年世界阿尔茨海默氏症报告,,,,released today. The report,‘痴呆症研究的现状:新边界’采用一种新颖的方式,关注lea什么ding lights in dementia research perceive to be the biggest areas of hope and difficulties in dementia research. ADI commissioned broadcast journalist Christina Patterson to interview over 20 leading researchers from nine countries and write the report; accordingly, it is in an accessible, journalistic style. One thought-provoking finding of the report is that for every 12 publications on cancer there is only one on cognitive disorders.


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