世界口腔健康日2022: Partnering to improve the oral health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adolescents

在博客中世界口腔健康日, John Skinner and Yvonne Dimitropoulos discuss the development of a program to improve the oral health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adolescents in Australia in theIAOHPSstudy registered at theISRCTN注册表

Good oral health is important for overall general health and wellbeing. Good oral health enables a person to eat, speak and socialize without pain or embarrassment. Common dental diseases include dental caries (tooth decay) and gum disease, which are both largely preventable.

Many Australians enjoy good oral health, but for some populations, including Aboriginal Australians, this is没有平等共享。许多原住民,尤其是居住在澳大利亚农村和偏远社区中的原住民经历更高的水平,通常更严重的牙齿龋齿。口腔健康方面的这种差距是由于一系列因素,包括有限的口腔健康促进资源以及无法获得满足原住民澳大利亚人文化和社会需求的口腔健康服务的机会。



For example, a共同设计的口腔健康促进计划对于新南威尔士州农村和偏远社区中的原住民儿童,澳大利亚能够减少儿童中的龋齿,并改善诸如用氟化物牙膏,饮用水和减少糖味饮料的消耗之类的阳性口腔卫生行为。


共同设计的过程为长者,学校和社区成员提供了有关制定基于证据的策略的机会,这些策略可以防止龋齿以及如何最好地在其社区中实施它们。这意味着这些策略的实施方式是以社区确定为合适的方式,并且是可持续和受欢迎的,进而实施的improved oral health outcomes


Abori的合作改善口腔健康ginal and Torres Strait Islander adolescents study (also known as the Indigenous Adolescent Oral Health Partnership [IAOHP] study) will apply the same principles of co-design to develop a holistic oral health promotion program to improve the oral health and social-emotional well-being of Aboriginal adolescents in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria, Australia. The IAOHP study registration can be found这里



For example, this might include installing refrigerated and filtered water fountains in schools and implementing water-only policies at local schools and community groups to increase consumption of water, or in-school tooth brushing programs to increase tooth brushing with fluoride toothpaste.


The IAOHP study aims to recruit 60 adolescents to participate in the co-designed program from various communities across Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. A project manager will be assisting the working group to develop and implement these strategies. The strategies will be implemented for a period of 12 months in each community (Phase 2). Phase 3 will involve an evaluation of the IAOHP study to determine the impact of these strategies on the oral health and social and emotional well-being of adolescents who participate in the program.


The IAOHP study will begin recruiting the working group in mid-2022 to complete Phase 1 of this study. The IAHOP study is a new approach to working with Aboriginal adolescents to co-design oral health promotion with and for this group rather than imposing programs that may not be culturally or socially relevant.

The IAHOP study aims to develop a ‘toolkit’ for Australian public oral health services and policymakers to engage with adolescents to co-design evidence-based oral health promotion to improve oral health and general health outcomes for Australian adolescents.

*Yarning groups are similar to focus groups however they use a culturally appropriate method of conversation known asYARNING

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