

人棘球菌 - 分布和影响

当前的W.H.O的估计suggest that globally, more than 1 million people are infected with echinococcosis, leading to approximately 871 000 disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) each year. As well as the substantial disease burden and deaths associated with human echinococcosis, treatment of livestock infections are estimated to be over $3 billion (USD) annually.


棘突多人群成人蠕虫。资料来源:Alan R Walker,Wikimedia Commons,CC BY-SA 3.0。


The high endemicity of human echinococcosis in Western China has led researchers to investigate the geographical and environmental conditions of the region, and question whether specific environmental factors might influence transmission of echinococcosis to humans. For example,one studylinked the prevalence of echinococcosis with annual mean precipitation, and其他发现较高的高度与棘球菌患病率增加之间的相关性。


Jie Yin及其同事的最新研究来自北京的全球变化与地球系统科学学院已经开始做到这一点,并且是第一个对中国西部人类棘球菌病的空间分布进行建模和预测的人。

Creating and informing the model
为了研究人类棘球菌病的空间分布和环境风险因素,研究人员首先选择了中国西部的344个县(请参阅下面的研究图),以获取研究中的纳入县级棘突中的县级流行率数据CDCreports and epidemiological studies (surveyed) for later comparison against predictions of prevalence made by their model.


Nine environmental factors considered as natural risk factors for echinococcosis and four seasonal indices (spring, summer, autumn and winter) were chosen for the prediction, which fall into two categories, climate and geographical:


  • Temperature (T)
  • 降水(PRE)
  • 相对湿度(RH)
  • Sunshine duration (sun)

Geographical factors:

  • Elevation (measured as digital elevation model (DEM))
  • 植被密度(以归一化差异植被指数(NDVI)测量)
  • Grassland area ratio (GrassR)
  • 森林面积比(外衣)
  • 耕地面积比(耕地)


The predicted prevalence and hot/cold spot model for each county was generally in agreement with the prevalence and hot/cold spots reported by the surveyed findings, providing support for the constructed model.

The authors do note however, that modelled prevalence based on the environmental factors was in some instances higher than surveyed prevalence, suggesting that past control measures implemented in Western China have been effective in reducing human echinococcosis prevalence from what is possible based on the environmental conditions.

高流行地区患病率最高(>2%) were almost exclusively concentrated in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in South/Southwestern China. Counties outside the Plateau region generally had low predicted echinococcosis prevalence (<0.5%).


预测中国县一级人棘球菌病的空间分布:一个= predicted prevalence;b=预测的热/冷点。Yin等,2022

Key environmental factors influencing echinococcosis transmission
The model also revealed that both climate and geographical landscape factors had a significant impact on human echinococcosis prevalence in the region.

In particular, elevation (DEM), vegetation density (NDVI) in Spring, Summer precipitation (pre) and sunshine duration (sun), relative humidity (rh) in the Winter, GrassR, and ForestR were shown to be key environmental factors.

These factors likely influence the survival, infectivity, and successful release of Echinococcus eggs into the environment, and act as drivers of parasite transmission in Western China.

Jie Yin和Collueages的这项工作说明了空间流行病学建模如何有助于告知现实世界疾病的预防和控制策略,并且可以帮助改善预防和控制措施的优先级,并使资源更好地分配到最需要的地方。

作者指出,人类棘球菌病的其他危险因素,例如社会经济环境,人口人群,人类行为,栖息地类型和动物感染状况,可以进一步改善该模型做出的棘球发生率预测,并促进其用于预测类似热点的使用Neglected Tropical Diseases

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