

强质虫病是由强层round虫。The worm is commonly known as the threadworm in the United States. Adult worms live in the small intestine and, quite uniquely, can replicate within the host. Due to this autoinfection, veterans have been found infecteddecades after their initial exposure。Infection in humans can范围from completely asymptomatic to mild symptoms such as nausea, stomachache, coughing, and in some caseslife threatening complications,特别是在免疫功能低下的患者中。由于自身感染的能力,有效诊断(either through culturing feces or blood tests)和治疗非常重要。


强层stercoralisis the most common human species. This species can also be transmitted by domestic dogs,尽管他们对人类感染的贡献尚不清楚。强质虫病很常见热带和亚热带区域,可以在夏季在温度区域传播。它在卫生条件差,相对温暖和潮湿的环境中蓬勃发展。尽管在许多低收入国家和中等收入国家发现了强质虫病,但这是在美国的某些社区传播。However, the true extent and burden of the disease is不太了解

一个最近的调查set out to describe the gastrointestinal parasites in a community in Texas with poor access to healthcare. We’ll focus on the diagnosis of强层感染,但研究人员还寻找其他可以通过贫困卫生基础设施传播的寄生虫。

该社区位于城市周边地区,卫生失败有已知问题。许多人依靠化粪池系统can fail or back up,导致暴露于粪便和肠道寄生虫的风险传播。社区是unincorporated’- 在美国许多地区,这意味着人口不受任何市政当局的服务。社区已与研究人员联系,以帮助收集数据以申请卫生改进赠款。



In addition to the survey questions, residents were also invited to participate in blood and/or stool collection. More participants agreed to give blood (n = 97), compared to stool (n = 43), which is not unusual. Stool samples were used to extract DNA and look for infections of强层stercoralis而且还有其他肠道寄生虫,包括Cryptosporidium物种,Entamoeba Hissolytica,,,,贾迪亚·兰布利亚(Giardia Lamblia),,,,Necator americanus,,,,和Trichuris Trichura。Blood samples were used to detectIgG抗体S. stercoralis。The test is highly specific, but can’t differentiate someone actively infected with threadworms with someone who had previously been infected.

家庭调查显示,几乎三分之一的家庭对其化粪池系统有问题。此外,三分之一的参与者在过去一年中报告了腹泻。令人惊讶的是,有16.5%的血液样本为止S. stercoralis。一个lthough some of these people that tested positive had traveled to an endemic country outside of the United States, this was not a risk factor associated with infection (the same proportion that tested negative had travelled as well). Some individuals had never travelled, suggesting that transmission is occurring locally. The researchers also found that infected individuals were more likely to be in a household with a low income (<$2000 per month). Other factors, such as flooding or household septic failures did not explain risk.

This study reports the highest prevalence ofS. stercoralis抗体在美国记录。但是,样本量很低。在某些社区中记录了高流行率一个labamaand制度化people. Together these studies suggest threadworms are underreported in the US. There is an opportunity for increasing awareness of this disease within the community and the health care providers for this community and similar communities. There is a need to increase diagnostic effort to identify and effectively treat these diseases, particularly given the high prevalence.

肠道寄生虫在p地址很重要ublic health. They often disproportionately affect young children, particularly in marginalized communities. They cause serious damage to physical and cognitive development, but are entirely preventable and treatable. It is essential to raise awareness of these infections wherever they occur and address the underlying causes that allow them to thrive.

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