
Since 2011 it has no longer been compulsory for dogs being imported into the UK to be inspected for ticks. Within five years the first cases of the tick borne disease, canine babesiosis, have been reported in dogs that have never left the UK.


Although this dog disease is common throughout the world, the only cases of canine babesiosis diagnosed in the UK have been in infected dogs imported from abroad. Babesiosis was not considered to be transmitted in Britain. However, this year four dogs contracted the disease despite never having been outside the UK. All four lived in Harlow, Essex and were regularly walked in the same area of wasteland. Three of the dogs treated at the Forest Veterinary Centre in Essex survived, but one did not.

资料来源:Wikimedia Commons
资料来源:Wikimedia Commons


犬Babesiosisis caused by infection with a unicellular parasite similar to the malaria parasite. The parasite belongs to a worldwide group of vertebrate blood parasites in the genus巴贝西亚具有重要的兽医,医学和经济重要性。它们都是由ixodid(硬)tick传输的。

Dogs are infected via the bite of an infected tick and mothers can transfer the parasite to their pups. The sporozoite stage of the parasite is present in the tick’s saliva and is transmitted to the dog as the tick injects its saliva into the bite site. The parasites invade red blood cells, their pear-shaped appearance giving rise to the name, piroplasm. They multiply, eventually causing the red blood cell to burst and release the piroplasms to invade new red blood cells.


As blood cells are destroyed anaemia develops in the dog (as indicated by pale coloured gums) and haemoglobin is released which gives rise to jaundice-like symptons. Other symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, lethargy, fever, enlarged abdomens and red-brown urine.


Dermacentor reticulatus归因:Accipiper [GFDL(https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html)通过Wikimedia Commons
Dermacentor reticulatusAttribution: Accipiter [GFDL (https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) via Wikimedia Commons
Dermacentor reticulatus,被称为华丽的狗蜱虫,主要发现在wooded areas of Western Europe and has been reported in coastal regions of South and West England. It feeds on middle to large sized mammals including cattle, horses, dogs and humans and can transmit a variety of pathogens to them. Details of its anatomy can be found at Bristol University’sTick ID site

这似乎是埃塞克斯郡犬肉虫病爆发的原因。寄生虫在活跃人群中的发生D.网状tick建立了今年3月,由一支调查哈洛(Harlow)的自行车道的团队,在那里锻炼了受感染的狗。它有最近报道了to be associated with canine babeosis in Southern Italy.


Ticks must feed for at least 24 hours to pass the infection on, so dogs that have been in woodlands or rough areas where ticks might exist should be checked daily and ticks removed with forceps. There is no vaccine against canine babesiosis but anti-tick measures can be employed to help protect dogs. These include protection via acaricide sprays or the wearing of impregnated collars.

Big Tick Project于4月推出。由布里斯托尔大学(University of Bristol)的理查德·沃尔(Richard Wall)领导,该发射由电视节目主持人克里斯·帕克姆(Chris Packham)宣传。该项目旨在提高狗主人中对tick传播疾病的认识。将分析由参加该项目的兽医发送的壁虱,分析寄生虫的存在巴贝西亚and the agent responsible for Lyme Disease, caused by bacteria of the疏螺旋体type, which can infect dogs as well as humans causing lethargy, fever and lameness.

巴比西亚犬的生命周期。来源Wikimedia Commons
生命周期巴贝西亚·坎尼斯(Babesia canis)。来源Wikimedia Commons
巴比西亚犬的生命周期。来源Wikimedia Commons

除此之外,英格兰公共卫生还在运营tick监视计划since 2005. It aims to monitor the distribution and seasonality of ticks nationwide and record the incidence of exotic tick species.


Different species of巴贝西亚寄生虫可以感染包括牛在内的哺乳动物,在那里引起严重疾病。几种巴贝西亚感染人类,,,,巴贝西亚microti是北美最常见的巴布西亚发散in Europe. Babesiosis, considered to be an emerging zoonosis (a disease transmitted from animals to humans).

有趣的是,《期刊tick虫和tick虫疾病》最近发表一份报告of babesiosis occurring in chinstrap penguins in the Antartic. The tick vector,Ixodes uriae,,,,is the only tick present in the Antartic.



At the risk of “shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted” perhaps it is time to rethink the relaxation of regulations regarding the free movement of dogs between the UK and mainland Europe.

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劳伦斯·诺温·艾伦(Laurence Norwin-Allen)

It is now a year since Harlow Council fenced off the meadow where the Ornate Dog Ticks thought to be responsible for Canine Babeosis in 4 dogs which had never been abroad.

但是,我是Harlow Badger小组的野外官员,尽管这个栅栏会阻止人类,但我不会超越任何badge来违反此事。成年badge的重量与去年感染的狗大致相同。在围栏离区域的漫游范围内有一个建立的定居。

Do you think it is likely that Babesia Canis could affect Badgers (Meles meles), or are they too far apart taxonomically?

劳伦斯·诺温·艾伦(Laurence Norwin-Allen)

Thank you for the reply and the link.
I only did Biology, Physics and Chemistry to “A” Level so it will take me a little study to grasp this. What is immediately interresting is the new piroplasm related to B. Vulpes found in a badger in Spain. (Gimenez et al 2009).
哈洛(Harlow)是一个类似于米尔顿·凯恩斯(Milton Keynes)的花园小镇,该镇拥有许多绿色区域,并且在该镇内部许多自然保护区,因此狗的拥有力很高。
I will raise this at the next Harlow Diversity Group meeting as well as the Badger Group.
劳伦斯·诺温·艾伦(Laurence Norwin-Allen)

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