

2020年2月4日是国际癌症控制工会(UICC)的三年行动“我和我将”的中点。主题世界癌日2020 asks for personal, collective and government pledges to raise awareness, reduce deaths, and improve quality of life for those affected by a cancer diagnosis. The impact of cancer beyond physical health and equity in access to care are key issues named by the UICC, and the focus of many clinical trials registered in theISRCTN注册表.


A cancer diagnosis has an effectbeyond physical health对于患者及其护理人员。对心理和情感健康的影响可能会影响恢复以及生活质量。研究注册ISRCTNare tackling this key target by investigating how to best support patients to manage the emotional impact of their diagnosis, from screening tests through to survivorship.


Beyond physical health at diagnosis


筛查周围的困扰并不总是由于癌症诊断的可能性。英国四分之一合格的患者没有参加宫颈涂片 - 筛查测试,其中从子宫颈取一小部分细胞并评估与宫颈癌相关的变化。患者from a variety of demographicsfailing to attend the national宫颈筛查程序,例如老年妇女black women living in London,引用尴尬,对程序的恐惧以及以前的负面经历是避免任命的原因。

AnNIHR资助的研究, currently recruiting, is aiming to gain an understanding of the anxiety around cervical screening and use this to boost attendance and develop the text of clinic letters to best explain results and reassure patients.


Chemotherapy is known to cause fatigue.识别可能患有较高疲劳水平的患者将使医护人员能够为患者提供额外的支持并管理他们的期望。

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TR-FATIGUE studyaims to identify the effect of焦虑,抑郁和社会支持关于法国化学疗法的结直肠癌患者的疲劳。

Beyond physical health in survivorship

一些ISRCTN- 注册试验正在研究如何在患者旅途的后期通过癌症诊断以及哪些干预措施对幸存者有益。


乳腺癌diagnosis rates are increasing in women under 55 and, due to improvements in treatments, long-term survival rates are also increasing. Therefore, there is an increase in survivors in the workforce. TheBRiC@Work学习计划调查是否神经认知训练对该人群的记忆,注意力和情感健康有积极的影响。


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A cancer diagnosis causes a psychological challenge for both a patient and their caregivers.German INPART study计划调查血液癌症的影响diagnosis on patients and their partners and whether group psychotherapy sessions could lead to a reduction in depression and anxiety symptoms for both the patient and their partner.

Equity in access to cancer services


ISRCTN-registered trials are specifically focusing on early detection and investigating how screening services and education on diagnoses can be made more accessible.


NHS筛查程序中使用的宫颈癌筛查方法在全球范围内无法访问。卫生工作者的视觉检查是当前在低资源环境中进行筛查的最新方法,因为它需要更少的基础设施和员工培训。在常规初级卫生保健服务中实施宫颈癌早期检测服务的可行性正在由CARE4Afrique study在Benin, Chad, Cote d’Ivoire, and Senegal.


IHEICCSWG trial调查了有关宫颈癌的社区健康教育,并为加纳妇女筛查及其对易感性,障碍和对筛查的好处的知识和感知的影响。这results inBMC公共卫生发现健康教育干预措施改善knowledge and confidence in women about cervical cancer and screening.

Personal responsibility

这世界癌日2020 theme ‘I Am and I Will’ encourages individual action against cancer. Through education, individuals are empowered to take personal responsibility and increase the adoption of prevention behaviors and the use of early detection services.

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A feasibility study asking “Do you know your skin?” assessed a school-based intervention to increase adolescent sunscreen use and identification of skin changes. Theresults inBMC公共卫生表明干预对使用防晒霜的青少年意图产生了积极影响。

建议在西班牙50岁以上的大肠癌筛查,但吸收较低,因此a审判在vestigated using an online decision aid to empower participants to make informed decisions about undergoing screening.

resultsof this study suggested that knowledge levels and confidence in decision making were both increased by using the decision aid, but that knowledge about the diagnostic tests was sufficiently high in the control group. However, the control group reported feeling uninformed, despite their adequate understanding.

Education about cancer diagnoses and services not only gives patients an increased understanding of their diagnosis and healthcare options but also empowers them to make confident, informed decisions.


With increases in cancer diagnoses, there is a growing need for research to ensure the best outcomes for patients beyond their physical health. As individuals, we can enact change by supporting cancer charities, getting involved in research, petitioning for government action, and raising awareness. On World Cancer Day 2020, whatcan and willyou do to减少癌症的影响?

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