我们可以消灭由爱泼斯坦 - 巴尔病毒引起的癌症吗?

英国癌症研究最近出发了to find the current major challenges that need combatting in order to beat cancer. They presented seven challenges that would need to be overcome, and in this blog, originally posted ontheir website,他们关注第二个:爱泼斯坦 - 巴尔病毒。


10月,英国癌症研究(CRUK)推出了癌症研究英国大挑战赛- 一项1亿英镑的计划,以应对理解和治疗癌症的七个最大挑战

And in a series of posts over the next two months they will be exploring each ofthe seven Grand Challenge questionsset by a panel of the world’s leading cancer experts, the second of whichis posing the question:我们可以消灭由爱泼斯坦巴尔病毒引起的癌症吗?

Epstein-Barr Virus(EBV)是人类最常见的病毒感染之一 - 每20个成年人中约有19个病毒。就被感染的人数而言,它是世界上最多产的病毒之一。

And in most of us, it appears to cause no harm at all. But there’s a sinister side to the virus too. In some people, it can cause cancer. In fact, EBV was the首先发现在人类中引起癌症。我们现在知道,每年EBV感染会引发全球200,000例新的癌症病例,并导致超过140,000例死亡。

这se are mainly certain forms of lymphoma, as well as cancers that start at the back of the nose and throat (the鼻咽),以及一些胃癌。



And while expert teams dotted around the globe have chipped away at the challenge of tackling EBV-linked cancers, some believe the geographical spread of these cancers – hitting mainly the developing world – may have stifled interest in studying them.



A defined and achievable goal

DavidLaneProfessor Sir David Lane – Scientific Director of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Chief Scientist at Singapore’s Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) and one of the members of our Grand Challenge Advisory Panel – believes that understanding the trigger behind these tumors actually gives us a real chance of tackling them.

“我这一挑战的一个令人兴奋的事情s that it has a very defined – and in my opinion achievable – goal,” he explains.

“These cancers have a known cause: a virus. And we have a long and successful history of dealing with viruses – either preventing people being infected using vaccines, or successfully treating infections. “There’s no reason we can’t do the same with EBV.”

Lane sees the attempt to stop people becoming infected in the first place, for example through vaccination, as a key focus for this challenge. “There’s a precedent with the success story of vaccines against the human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes几种类型的癌症,,,,notably cervical cancers,” he says.

HPV vaccines在1990年代初期开始他们的发展,并作为一项全国计划的一部分推出,该计划于2008年在英国免疫女学生。预计该疫苗接种计划将在未来挽救数千人的生命。

And finding a similar way to prevent EBV infection could stop cancers caused by the virus developing, and save lives. But for Lane, there are potentially even bigger benefits ahead – and it’s not just about vaccines.

“There are definitely some cancers we know are caused by EBV. But science is an ever-moving field, and there may be other cancers linked to the virus we don’t know about yet.”


“The important point is that the solution isn’t necessarily a vaccine. There may be ways of uncloaking the virus to immune cells, helping people get rid of the infection themselves rather than having low level infection for years – sometimes their whole lives.”


Research into EBV-linked cancers has been ongoing for 50 years. And there are a lot of scientists with in depth knowledge of the virus.



Professor Alan Rickinson

“We’ve had a patchwork of researchers dotted about the world, but no real large, united front to tackle this head on,” he says. “And this is where the Grand Challenge could really turn the tables.”

领导该指控的科学家之一是艾伦·里金森(Alan Rickinson)教授。



But viruses are very different from one another, and the development of the HPV vaccine doesn’t automatically mean it will be simple to make an effective EBV vaccine too.

那是因为EBV与HPV大不相同。EBV是一种称为“疱疹病毒”的病毒,目前尚无针对任何人类疱疹病毒的保护性疫苗。里金森说:“ EBV戳戳将是第一个,这是一个非常重要的首先!”



Beyond the vaccine


Dr Emma King, a leading head and neck surgeon at the University of Southampton, is carrying out clinical trials testing new ways to boost the immune response against cancers, many of which are caused by the HPV virus.



根据金的说法,有几个关键因素可能起作用 - 免疫系统必须应对的病毒,其他感染,生活方式因素,当然还有我们的遗传学。



这patient perspective

作为一名耐心的代表,我一直在为我参与的项目中的许多首字母缩略词而苦苦挣扎。直到他们被完全摄取,这让我想起了我在学校学习学校比赛的台词的年轻人。阅读问题两个大挑战的另一个癌症原因的首字母缩写流行音乐UP - EBV-爱泼斯坦 - 巴尔病毒。与第一个挑战一样,开发疫苗可能是预防EBV感染。但是,与所有大挑战问题一样,它更加复杂,需要改变研究的方式。在整个大挑战研讨会上,我可以听到科学界的演讲中的积极性,演讲者使用的表达自由是开放和狂热的。除了您的同事都理解首字母缩写词时,一个世界除外。’Imagine’was a much used word, along with’Reach for the stars’和 '如果我们不尝试,我们将永远不会成功。癌症世界充满首字母缩写症,症状,原因,类型和治疗方法。没有治愈的首字母缩写词。以这种态度面对挑战并脱离首字母缩写症的舒适区域,这正是消除来自世界的EBV引起的癌症所需要的。

- 特里(Terry),大挑战赛的患者小组成员

Research has revealed a lot about EBV – and other viruses linked to cancer – over the past 50 years, but the story is just beginning. The viruses themselves are only part of the picture; our genetics and environment also combine to play a role in cancer developing.

但是,凭借我们拥有的所有知识,可以治愈或预防EBV连接的癌症,似乎可以实现这一目标 - 只需要投资就可以使其成为现实。巨大的挑战可以完全提供这一点。




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Em Arnold

So true. But this truth is hidden from people. There is no money made from healthy people!

达娜·希尔德布兰特(Dana Hilderbrant)

想了这么久,第一线的方法to human health doesn’t first start with a vaccine is ludicrous! When you point out that 95% of the human population is exposed to EBV, that would be like exposing 95% of the population to rabbies virus and not having a vaccine…. EBV is effecting lives in ways we do not understand, a vaccine is critical! We are all a host to this virus…




Amen Carmen!! Tired….and real tired of tryin. Really extreme exhaustion would say it better. I had cancer already. A rare deadly cancer. I survived that. The statistics don’t look good for a long life!

Sheila Mcleod

I too,have had nasopharangeal cancer,three years ago. Now the virus has flared up again so the cancer will return,not much hope for me but a vaccine would save a lot of people!


与男性获得爱泼斯坦·巴尔(Epstein Barr)相比,女性的女性(大量数量要多)是否会成为慢性疲劳?我想我对那些是对的。在我的阅读中,似乎任何影响莫斯妇女的东西,但不一定杀死她们(即不会造成死亡,而是严重影响其生活质量等)似乎被忽略了。Hate to say it publicly, but men or men at the top of the research chains don’t seem to want to study a mostly-women’s illness that severely impacts or affects their lives for the worst in order to find solutions or ways to improve our lives. But how many studies have been done to find a cure and medication for male baldness, hair-recession, or erectile dysfunction, LOL. How many pills or medical treatments exist for CFS, besides adderall or provigil? Need I say more?
