
As we near the end of March,Prostate Cancer Awareness Month在英国如火如荼raise awarenessof prostate cancer. Here atBMC医学,,,,we take a look at some of the latest advances in prostate cancer research and treatment as we launch our new前列腺癌的聚光灯article collection, guest edited by Sigrid Carlsson and Andrew Vickers.

Prostate cancer is responsible for超过300,000人死亡every year, and is the second most common cancer type in men worldwide. The causes of prostate cancer are not fully established, but African-Caribbean race, older age, and family history are known to berisk factors


Diet is also thought to be associated with prostate cancer risk. In areview articlepublished inBMC医学as part of our前列腺癌的聚光灯Pao-Hwa Lin及其同事的收藏品讨论了饮食在前列腺癌发病率和进展中的作用的最新证据。作者强调,尽管某些发现不一致,但食用健康的饮食是预防前列腺癌的一种有前途的方法。




incidenceof prostate cancer has increased dramatically in the last two decades, which is mainly attributed to the increased availability of screening.

前列腺特异性抗原((PSA) screening for prostate cancer remains very controversial, and the risk:benefit ratio of regular testing is not fully established. In a评论文章,埃里克·金(Eric Kim)和Gerald Andriole探索跨国家的PSA筛查的指南建议,强调该建议因组织而异。

For example, theEuropean Association of Urology建议在预期寿命大于10年的任何年龄段邀请筛查,而美国预防服务工作队recommends againstregular screening.

在最近的Prosca15上全球前列腺癌大会,,,,Stacy Loeb解释说,关于PSA筛选的随机对照试验产生了对比结果,并强调我们必须从“单身适合所有”转变为更个性化的PSA筛选方法。

We have moved from a “one-size-fits-all” approach in prostate cancer management to multidisciplinary strategies tailored to the individual patient and his specific cancer.


Individualized disease management

Prostate cancer management is also becoming more personalized, and in an社论to launch our article collection, Guest Editors Sigrid Carlsson and安德鲁·维克斯(Andrew Vickers)explain that disease management is becoming tailored to the individual patient and his specific cancer.

最近预测前列腺癌转移风险的第一个基因组分类器最近是报告。在Prosca15,Jeffrey Karnesexplained that genomic tests such as this could help guide treatment decisions in a move towards more individualized disease management.

这rapies: insights from the latest clinical trials

Although there is increasing evidence for the promise of using individual genomic information to guide prostate cancer risk stratification and treatment, such tools are not yet used in routine clinical practice. Men with prostate cancer typically undergo a biopsy, followed bystaging以及通过放射疗法,手术,药理学疗法或这些选择的组合进行的主动监测或治疗。

最近的临床试验揭示了新颖hormonal therapiesthat substantially increase survival in men with prostate cancer. At Prosca15,Cora Sternbergoutlined these trials, explaining that agents such asabirateroneand恩扎拉胺have led to vast improvements in the treatment of men with prostate cancer, but new clinical and molecular predictors of survival are urgently needed.

不幸的是,对荷尔蒙疗法的抗药性经常会发展出来。克里斯托弗·埃文斯(Christopher Evans)described some of the mechanisms involved in resistance that could be targeted to combat resistance in the future. Evans discussed earlydata表明ARV7(在循环肿瘤细胞中发现的雄激素受体mRNA的剪接变体)可能是治疗耐药性的生物标志物,在进一步验证后可以在临床中使用。

这role of chemotherapy in prostate cancer treatment

在开发新的荷尔蒙疗法方面已经取得了很大的进步,但是在治疗前列腺癌方面是否有化学疗法?玛丽亚·德·桑蒂斯(Maria de Santis)认为,并非所有男性对荷尔蒙疗法的反应都很好,多西他赛特别是为前列腺癌患者提供了良好耐受性良好的益处。


BMC医学’s Spotlight on prostate cancer series


2014 median turnover times: initial decision three days; decision after peer review 41 days

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