What’s it worth? The economic case for medical research



What’s it worth, a report今天发表在BMC Medicine,,,,is one of the first ever estimates of the economic gains from investment in publicly funded UK cancer research. The research was commissioned by the Wellcome Trust, Academy of Medical Sciences, Cancer Research UK and the Department of Health. Liz Allen, Head of Evaluation at the Wellcome Trust, argues the case for investing in medical research…

比尔·克林顿(Bill Clinton)在白宫取得了很多成就。他主持了美国历史上最长的和平时期经济增长时期,他签署了《北美自由贸易协定》,他是FDR赢得连任以来的第一位民主党人。然而,当上个月被要求回忆起他最大的成就时,他没有选择这些事情。他作为总统所做的最好的事情是,他告诉今年伦敦的包容性资本会议,是在人类基因组项目上花费30亿美元。


大部分回报是其在英国基因组学投资中的基础,英国科学家和惠康信托基金会的工作。一个很好的例子是Solexa,这是一家测序技术公司,从Shankar Balasubramanian和David Klenerman在90年代中期的研究中脱颖而出,2006年以6亿美元的价格售出。

Similarly, research by Mike Stratton at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and Richard Marais at the Institute of Cancer Research led to the discovery of an unexpected target for drug therapy, mutations in a gene called BRAF present in malignant melanoma. The research resulted in the pharmaceutical giant Roche developing Zelboraf, a drug targeted against BRAF mutations which is now widely available to patients with advanced melanoma.


研究今天发表在BMC Medicine提供了最新的证据,表明继续进行这项投资有强烈的经济论点。作者估计,每一磅投资于与癌症有关的医学研究,都有直接的经济年份的10便士返回,,,,far in excess of the UK Government’s stated minimum threshold of 3.5 pence per pound for investments.


该研究还强调,健康和经济利益需要花费时间才能实现 - 平均15年 - 我们必须长期投资。对于每一个突破,都有虚假的开始和渐进式,更令人惊讶的发现,但它们同样是科学过程的一部分,我们应该对它们开放。资金并不是实现结果所需的唯一要素;好奇心,冒险,持久性和一些偶然性同样至关重要。

以IVF为例。英国科学家罗伯特·爱德华兹(Robert Edwards)和帕特里克·史蒂托(Patrick Steptoe)在1960年代初期的开创性研究导致了1978年在奥尔德姆(Oldham)成功交付了第一批试管婴儿路易丝·布朗(Louise Brown)。世界。仅在英国,IVF行业的价值估计为5亿英镑。

Another success story is monoclonal antibodies – the basis for a class of drugs that treat everything from breast cancer to cardiovascular disease to psoriasis. The industry was recently valued at £250 billion, but the breakthrough in the science came in the late 1970s on the back of Medical Research Council-funded research in Cambridge by Greg Winter.

总之,医学研究是罕见的野兽in public spending – a genuine investment that can almost be guaranteed to pay off over time, in wealth as well as health. We don’t know where the next discovery will come from, but spending money on our intellectual infrastructure now ensures that the research system will continue to produce a return 15 or 20 years from now.

As all the parties plan their manifestos for a parliamentary term that will surely include continuing austerity measures, a decision to cut back investment in medical research would be a terrible mistake. And a truly false economy.

您可以阅读有关Wellcome Trust参与“它的价值?”报告的更多信息。on their website,您可以找到有关今天发布的报告的更多信息英国癌症研究的来宾帖子

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