
一个今天发布的报告BMC医学has shownthat for every £1 the public has spent on cancer research in the UK, 40p has been returned to the country’s economy every year following that investment. In this guest blog, Daniel Bridge ofCancer Research UK- 资助研究的组织之一 - 更详细地研究了报告的发现。


Today sees the launch of the joint兰德欧洲,,,,HERG和国王学院伦敦研究Cancer Research: What’s It Worth由英国癌症研究院医学科学院,卫生部和惠康信托基金会资助。完整的纸是今天发表在BMC医学旁边简报纸that summarises the key findings.

When talking about the benefits of cancer research the most natural instinct is to highlight how it has benefitted cancer patients and their families. Patient stories help to show how research informs every aspect of a patient’s care, from the way that doctors initially diagnose the disease through to the treatments they receive.


但这还不是全部 - 研究对我们的人口具有更大的影响,而不是单独的生存统计数据。那么,我们可以衡量其对整个人群以及患者的价值吗?


So, to work out the overall value of cancer research to the UK, as a group of funders we supported the study called医学研究:值得什么?which has analysed the economic return of UK Government and charity-funded cancer research.


Total estimated public and charitable spend on cancer research by source of funding, 1970–2009, in current (cash) prices. Click to see larger image.

该研究使用历史数据(将主要的癌症研究资助者的支出分类)发现,在过去的40年中,英国公众通过直接慈善捐款和税收花费了150亿英镑的癌症研究。在同一时期癌症survival rates have doubled- 在1970年代,不到四分之一的癌症患者幸存下来,今天将有一半的生存。

然后,该研究计算了从特定的癌症干预措施中得出多少患者益处,以建立研究的产量。这涉及使用Qalys从癌症研究中获得的健康收益(quality-adjusted life years)以类似的方式国家健康与护理研究所在查看NHS(英国国家卫生局)是否应资助癌症治疗时,会做。

Using a value of £25,000 per QALY — the midpoint of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence’s normal threshold range — and allowing for the costs of delivery, this resulted in health benefits equivalent to £124 billion through interventions such as better screening, more organised healthcare services and new drug treatments.


National clinical guidelines were used to estimate the time lag between research and practice, and the proportion of research linked to the UK. The study found that the proportion of interventions attributable to UK-based research was around 17% and the lag between funding and impact for cancer interventions was around 15 years


But the picture became even rosier when the researchers included the wider economic benefits.

In addition to this 10p, other benefits result from each £1 invested, such as developing knowledge and a skilled workforce, and increasing industry investment in the UK. These additional benefits generated another 30p for the economy each year

In total, this means that for every £1 the public has spent on cancer research, 40p has been returned to the economy every year following that investment.


The findings also validate较早的研究这发现心血管和心理健康研究分别产生了39p和37p的回报。这显示了许多疾病领域的回报率非常一致。

为我们提供一个更好的回报n on investment it also allows us to present a persuasive case for the UK to keep investing in medical research. For comparison, the UK Government’s自己的内部会计方法规定,要使一项“一笔良好的投资”的政策,他们每年只需要每年3便士,每英镑投资。

一个s an investment, medical research knocks that benchmark out of the park.

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