
植物害虫和疾病是全球农业和粮食安全的真正关注点。预警系统对于准备和打击植物害虫至关重要,快速诊断工具对此至关重要。然而,当前的应变水平真菌疾病诊断的程序是冗长而不是直接的。戴夫·霍德森(Dave Hodson)和黛安·桑德斯(Diane Saunders)讨论了他们对移动和实时植物疾病(MARPLE)系统的发展,以及它如何使基于场基因的快速诊断真菌疾病,特别是小麦锈病,以达到菌株水平。他们的学习is published inBMC生物学今天。

植物害虫和疾病是对全球粮食安全的主要威胁,如果不加以治疗,有可能破坏整个农作物。据估计,仅在前五名粮食作物中停止真菌疾病的传播就可以喂养超过6亿人。小麦 - 这五个前五种农作物之一 - 正受到威胁越来越大,真菌病原体引起小麦锈病,这是最大的担忧。

如今,这些在gr在欠发达国家eatest risk of large-scale crop losses due to inaccessibility of effective diagnostic tests and control measures. Just like with human disease, if you see visible symptoms but aren’t sure of the causal agent, then how can you action the correct treatment? This is where genome-based diagnostics and disease surveillance comes into play. Identifying the precise strain of a pathogen ensures the most appropriate control measures are actioned and, particularly for less-resourced countries, limited resources used wisely.

revolutionary portable genome sequencing devices aid disease diagnostics
在clinical labs, the full genetic code of human disease agents is frequently unravelled to assist with disease diagnostics. Since the release of the first portable genome sequencer by牛津纳米孔在2015年,无论环境多么荒凉,这种基因组水平的诊断和监测现在都可以准确地进行疾病爆发的地方。这彻底改变了诊断的速度,建立了有关病原体菌株的发展速度和的实时基因组信息帮助绘制其传输路线

戴夫·霍德森(Dave Hodson)博士与埃塞俄比亚农民合作收集了黄色生锈的小麦样品。John Innes中心Matt Heaton的摄影作品。


Implementing portable genomic-based diagnostics for fungal pathogens

our studypublished inBMC生物学,,,,we focused on the wheat yellow rust fungal pathogen (Puccinia striiformisf.sp。Tritici)。We first identified genes that showed high variability in their DNA code between pathogen strains and then used this small subset of genes for targeted re-sequencing. This allowed us to rapidly determine which particular strain is in our infected leaf sample. This new system termed – MARPLE (mobileAndrEAL时间plant disease) diagnostics – is also highly suited to disease emergencies as it can generate detailed data on which strain of the yellow rust pathogen is in a farmer’s field within just 48 hours of collecting a sample.

Detailed illustration of the MARPLE diagnostics pipeline. The complete list of steps in the Mobile And Real-time PLant disEase (MARPLE) diagnostics pipeline (A-Q).

埃塞俄比亚是撒哈拉以南非洲最大的小麦生产商,但也是gateway for new wheat yellow rust pathogen strains entering Africaand hence the highest priority country for rapid diagnostics. Wheat yellow rust continues to plague wheat production in Ethiopia causing large-scale epidemics e.g. in 2010, 600,000 hectares of wheat were affected, with losses estimated in excess of $250 million, and new pathogen strains present a very high risk for recurring large-scale disease epidemics.

Following such wide-scale devastation, Ethiopia developed an integrated wheat rust early warning system to prevent future catastrophic losses. Yet, the ability to define the precise strain of the pathogen in a farmer’s field in real-time was just not possible with prevailing methods. MARPLE was designed precisely to fill this void.

Working with the Ethiopian Institute for Agricultural Research (EIAR) we developed a mobile lab system housed in a single hard-case, removing the need for additional infrastructure or high-level specialist expertise. We successfully trialed an optimized MARPLE pipeline in Ethiopia in September 2018. As the ultimate demonstration of its robust nature and mobility, we also ran the pipeline in the back of a Landcruiser directly in the field, demonstrating feasibility without continuous mains electricity or access to any additional laboratory equipment (seehttps://acaciaafrica.org/marple-diagnostics/)。

黛安·桑德斯(Diane Saunders)博士和EIAR科学家在埃塞俄比亚的一名陆地司机后面执行Marple诊断管道。John Innes中心Matt Heaton的摄影作品。

Our partnership between the John Innes Centre and CIMMYT (Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo) also allowed data generated through this method to feed directly into early-warning systems and control recommendations. This project integration is now positioning Ethiopia as a world leader in pathogen diagnostics and forecasting for wheat rust diseases.

Marple Diagnostics的下一步是什么?
我们开发用于靶向重新测量的基因面板也非常灵活,并且可以根据需要轻松适应其他基因。我们目前正在合并编码在真菌病原体中鉴定为保守杀菌剂靶标的蛋白质的基因。这将允许对突变进行实时监控,这些突变可能会提醒我们为黄色锈病病原体中的杀真菌剂实用程序故障。Marple Diagnostics为基于基因组的移动性菌株诊断提供了路线图,该路线图可以容易地应用于其他不断威胁全球粮食安全的复杂真菌病原体。

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