
一看英航ck over the first five years of BugBitten.

Hosted by寄生虫和向量,Bugbitten是寄生虫学和媒介传播疾病社区的博客,从本科生在寄生虫学课程到高级研究人员,实验室领导者和教育工作者。我们的目标是让社区了解我们领域的新发展,并希望让我们的读者感兴趣,甚至让我们的读者在其主要学习领域之外使用新闻和观点感到惊讶。

“Being one of the original bloggers it’s been amazing to see how much our readership has grown in 5 years. I’m glad I’ve stuck with it through different jobs and now my PhD, because it has hugely improved my writing skills- so much so that preparing manuscripts is no longer a daunting task. ThroughBugbittenI’ve collaborated with scientists around the world and it’s always great to meet people at conferences and find out they read the blog!” – Vera Unwin

我们的第一个博客介绍了Bugbitten,于2013年9月出版。下个月,一小部分由凯文·泰勒(Kevin Tyler)最初组织的敏锐博客作者通过出版了10个博客,涉及各种主题。我们很快就定居了一个模式,博客定期出现在星期五,有时还在星期二。与Biomed Central的助理出版商Srimathy Sriskantharajah一起,三个原始博客作者,我本人,克里斯蒂安·马格里(Krisztian Magori)和维拉·温林(Vera Unwin)仍在定期做出贡献,五年后。

How we have grown
目前,we have 8 editors, who compile, commission and edit blogs. In addition, several people are regular contributors and many in the community have posted guest blogs.

By the end of 2018 we will have published 293 blogs.

Monthly views of BugBitten blogs have risen steadily since we began and reached 24,326 in October this year. All我们过去的博客仍然可用in our archive and, to our surprise, most are still attracting interest, years after they were written.

自我们开始以来,每月观看。学分:Srimathy Sriskantharajah和Kevin Tyler

在过去的五年中,我们经常在新闻中写过有关相关主题的博客(例如,the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine)并遵循专业疾病暴发across the globe.

这并不奇怪,the parasite most blogged about,具有39个功能,是疟疾。其中包括有关细胞生物学,疫苗开发,耐药性,诊断和疟疾性阶段的博客。我们已经讨论了消除疟疾,甚至在猴子,伟大的芦苇莺和企鹅那里看疟疾。你可以拿我们的一个quizzes on malariato test your knowledge.

Readers have been surprising (and saddened) to read how penguins have been affected by malaria

Many of our blogs on malaria also touch on mosquitoes. In fact, blogs about mosquitoes have been the most common ones over the past 5 years. Most likely, this reflects the acknowledgement that, in order to eliminate malaria, we need to focus on breaking the human / mosquito cycle just as much as on vaccine development or drug treatment. Studies involving the use of bednets andinsecticide resistancehave been covered several times as well as more experimental approaches to mosquito control using genetic modification or沃尔巴奇. Mosquito ecology, sex life and immune system have also featured, as have thescents that attract mosquitoes以及如何通过感染操纵其喂养行为。

In addition to the anopheline mosquitoes that transmit malaria, the yellow fever mosquito and its role as a vector of several arboviruses has attracted the attention of our bloggers. None more so than in 2016 when infections with theZika virushit the news. That year, 7 blogs were devoted to the virus and the unfolding tragedy ofmicroencephaly. Our bloggers have followed the latest Zika research since then.

We have covered a huge range of other parasites and the diseases they cause, those afflicting humans being the most read this year. Titles are designed to be eye-catching but sadly this may occasionally misfire. The blog at the top of this list of most read this year may have stimulated some of the distressing emails I receive from people seeking diagnosis for symptoms that no parasite I have ever heard of could cause, and who are possibly suffering fromdelusional parasitosis.

尽管没有医学或经济意义,鲜为人知,但感染脊椎动物和无脊椎动物野生生命的寄生虫具有迷人的生活历史。Bugbitten博客已经介绍了许多有关其中许多研究的研究。从棘手的蠕虫到蝴蝶和eye flukes,一个共同的主题是感染引起的宿主行为改变。



Views by country in 2018: Credit: Cara Macfarlane

“我在2016年开始为Bugbitten写作,同时攻读寄生虫博士学位。准备博客帮助我学会了简洁和信息的写作,以及如何为更广泛的受众写作。我认为Bugbitten所涵盖的各种主题非常出色,作者的知识和热情始终来自帖子。我鼓励任何对这一领域充满热情的人都会让博客写作!”- Cara MacFarlane

We are very keen to extend this readership further, and welcome blogs from anywhere in the world. BugBitten provides an opportunity to showcase your latest research findings, tell us about exciting new work you have seen and share your experience of working in parasitology and vector biology. Advice on how to prepare a blog is available and help with style and language issues can be given. Contact me, the coordinating editor, ath.hurd@keele.ac.uk如果你感兴趣。

Please encourage your colleagues and students to read our weekly blogs, print this poster for your lab wall and follow us on Twitter –@bugbittentweets.


