BMC系列的亮点 - 2020年11月


BMC Health Services Research


如何通过政治视角理解医疗保健的实施?一项研究罗杰斯等。explored the effect of micropolitics, the use of power, authority, and influence, on implementation processes in the healthcare context. Because of the multidisciplinary nature of healthcare teams, healthcare professionals have discipline-specific priorities and expectations. Thus, multidisciplinary teams must reach agreements in spite of their divergent organizational priorities.罗杰斯等。sought to address how micropolitics influences implementation processes by utilizing a multiple case study design and a theoretical framework.




These findings ultimately apply the micropolitical concepts of power, authority and influence to the healthcare context in hopes of providing insight on how to develop more appropriate implementation strategies. The thematic analysis and knowledge of the “everyday politics” of healthcare will certainly help develop a framework for successful implementation.



“I would feel safe going to the doctor if…”


  1. 采取行动防止污名:不要像对待废话一样对待我!该集群处理与物质使用相关的外部和内部污名。
  2. 嘿,我是人类。对我好吧!Similar to Cluster 1, this cluster reflects the importance of humane and compassionate care.
  3. 维护专业标准。集团3主要侧重于专业能力,尤其是围绕疼痛管理,以及提供者如何将患者的疼痛经历视为合法。
  4. 你在乎我吗?医生如何与患者建立信任?这个集群说明了个性化护理,护理连续性和发展融洽的重要性。
  5. 在欢迎和舒适的环境中保持机密性。群集5阐明了候车室环境和诊所实践的担忧。参与者将拥挤的候诊室描述为主要压力源。
  6. Be a champion for advocacy。初级保健提供者如何解决可访问性和支持的问题,以提高获得护理的感知安全性?集群6个示例,例如允许在约会中存在拥护者或朋友,在离散地点提供护理等。
  7. 承认并满足我的需求和环境。Cluster 7 identifies how circumstances impact plans of care. Participants indicated the desire for increased forgiveness of missed appointments, understanding fear of being criminalized for the disclosure of drug use, and more. Each of these statements asked primary care providers to recognize the “structural conditions” that impact accessing healthcare.
  8. 不要向我发红:识别成瘾是健康问题。最终集群介绍了医生将成瘾视为健康问题而不是犯罪行为的看法,可以帮助使用物质的人们在寻求护理方面感到安全。




Nutrition has a large impact for diabetes patients and can be linked to managing the condition. Typically associated with overweight or obese patients, this condition is being tracked within malnourished populations and how it affects the individuals’ immunological and metabolic profiles.


Malnutrition has been linked to negatively affecting the immunology of a patient and increasing their mortality从感染中。据推测,低BMI会在2型糖尿病患者中改变胰腺激素,脂肪细胞因子和细胞因子,从而改变更严重的风险E形式。覆盖了88名参与者,这项研究发现了与BMI和免疫反应的密切联系。



Do women who consult with naturopaths or herbalists have a healthy lifestyle?: a secondary analysis of the Australian longitudinal study on women’s health


Through analyzing the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health (ALSWH), they found that women of all cohorts who had consulted with a naturopath in the last 12 months were less likely to smoke, more likely to report at least moderate levels of physical activity, and more likely to have a vegetarian diet. Additionally, women who had consulted with naturopaths were also more likely to have used marijuana or illicit drugs in the last 12 months.



Competitive mapping allows for the identification and exclusion of human DNA污染在古代动物物种基因组数据集


This work focuses on the most effective method to competitively map human contamination from ancient faunal DNA with reduced losses of data, thus acting as a beneficial tool within ancient DNA research. This was achieved through the sequencing of genomic data from 70 ancient and historical mammalian specimens, including an ancient favorite: the wooly mammoth.

BMC Medical Research Methodology





What is the size of Australia’s sexual minority population?

Australia’s sexual minority adult population (LGBTQIA+) are difficult to estimate as the Australian Bureau of Statistics does not publish or collect any data on sexual identity. Therefore, this work attempted to provide this estimate and fill the gaps in the latest census data.

将来自多个国家调查和人口数据的数据结合在一起,平均患病率估计了澳大利亚性少数群体人口 - 利用一般社会调查(GSS)的数据以及澳大利亚的家庭,收入和劳动力动态(HILDA)调查。发现澳大利亚的性少数人在年轻人口中较高,并且随后几年进行的调查稳步增加。


Proposing a potential cohort effect for this trend, it is suggested sexual identities can be influenced by social attitudes and the legal environment of the time. Younger cohorts have spent their formative years within a time of higher acceptance of sexual identity and the willingness to disclose one’s identity. This cohort effect has the potential to impact future population surveys and the percentage of Australia’s known sexual minority population.

