
许多感染了冠状病毒(SARS-COV-2病毒)的人报告了持久的症状,这些症状无法在预期的时间表内解决。患者将这种疾病命名为“长期相关”。作者Emma Ladds博士,Sharon Taylor博士和Trish Greenhalgh教授告诉我们更多有关他们的研究的信息,今天在bMC Health Services Research,这已经发出了有关经历长期共同的人的护理的重大问题。


A新研究由牛津大学学者团队与来自英国各地的114人合作,与Long Covid合作,他们系统地探索了这种新颖疾病的故事及其患者所面临的挑战。



长Covid是病人给COVID-19年代ymptoms that don’t resolve within the expected 4-week time frame. The number of people who develop it is contested, since many people who had Covid-19 were not formally tested, were not admitted to hospital (or even assessed in A&E) and their continuing suffering remains undocumented.

Importantly, long Covid can affect anyone, even working-age individuals who were previously fit and well. Symptoms are diverse and confusing. Breathlessness, overwhelming fatigue, and muscle pains are common. Many people suffer problems with attention or memory, chest pains, persistent cough, blood clots, gastric reflux, tingling sensations, rashes, and other ‘surprising’ problems.


Photograph showing a shadowy woodland scene with autumn leaves covering the ground
‘This is how I feel – a shadow of my former self’.图像归因:由长卷心患者拍摄的照片。


Led byTrish Greenhalgh教授,,,,the study team recruited 114 patients with long Covid using social media. They facilitated individual interviews and focus groups where participants shared their experiences of the illness’ invasion of their lives and their encounters with the NHS and healthcare professionals.


Long Covid is a serious, uncertain and confusing illness with fluctuating, sometimes severe, symptoms in every part of the body

Long Covid is a serious, uncertain and confusing illness with fluctuating, sometimes severe, symptoms in every part of the body. Many people were trapped in cycles of small improvements and crashing relapses and struggled to come to terms with the uncertainty and debilitation caused by the disease.

One participant captured the devastating impact on his personal life and occupational prospects:



长期的库维德患者发现它很复杂,困难和疲惫无法获得NHS护理。They experienced confusion between the GP and 111 services, difficulty with remote or online consultations, a lack of continuity, and uninformed clinicians. Patients therefore often found themselves with no choice but to manipulate or seek out their own pathways for accessing care – often private or through personal contacts.

Some long Covid patients reported care with concerning levels of quality and safety

Some long Covid patients reported care with concerning levels of quality and safety. Many had experienced encounters with ignorant or disbelieving clinicians, who dismissed their concerns. For example, a near heart-breaking account recounted how the participant was so breathless he called his GP whilst lying prone on his living room floor only to be told he didn’t sound very breathless and should take medication for anxiety. However, some participants did describe empathic, warm, caring clinicians who were supportive, and helpful, listening to their stories and sharing their distress – companions in their dreadful journeys.


Channeling the anger, frustration, fear, and hopelessness expressed by participants, the study team worked closely with a small group of sufferers to identify what would make for a high quality long Covid service:长covid的ABCDEF。

AbCdeFPatient-generated quality principles for a long Covid service. Image Attribution: Prof. Trish Greenhalgh

These includeAccess to appropriate care that is not overlyburdensome for patients and families, withClinical responsibility held by one clinician. An individualized, multi-d应该遵循使用iSciparinary方法e基于vidence的标准F与患者合作的知识和服务的开发。


