
BMC兽医研究andBMC微生物学很高兴宣布在“兽医抗菌耐药性和抗菌素’及其相关的“呼吁论文”。编辑Hayley Henderson博士和Cecilia Devoto博士更多地谈论了该系列背后的想法。


In order to maintain the well-being of both companion and food animals, all existing antimicrobial types, along with the development of new ones, need to be continuously accessible. This must be achieved with the concurrent introduction of official legislation and guidelines on the responsible use of antimicrobials.


英国兽医协会((BVA) has issuedguidanceon the responsible use of antimicrobials, which can be summarized in the phrase ‘Correct antimicrobial: as little as possible, as much as necessary’.

在过去的几年中,这些问题导致AMR的概况非常高,这一事实显然可以明显看出。全球抗菌素抗性计划in 2015, developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) in collaboration with theWorld Organisation for Animal Health(oie)和联合国食品和农业组织((FAO), that will combat AMR through a one-health approach.

A year later, at the第71大会在联合国(联合国)中,重点仍然放在构建国际议程来管理AMR。2017年4月看到了世界兽医协会(WVA)发行official position关于抗菌剂的使用。该倡议的目的是将AMR的流行和发展限制在滥用抗菌药物中。在类似的倡议中,英国兽医协会((BVA) has issuedguidanceon the responsible use of antimicrobials, which can be summarized in the phrase ‘Correct antimicrobial: as little as possible, as much as necessary’.

In addition to the aforementioned events,BMC微生物学andBMC兽医研究从与作者和读者最近的会议中,从与作者和读者的互动中推出这个主题系列的进一步动机。进一步来说,BMC微生物学attendedASM Microbe2017年,AMR是最中心的主题(阅读有关我们的经验here)。AMR的环境方面,缺乏适当的抗菌使用的官方立法,以及农场影响医院的方式是讨论中的重要主题。

On the other hand,BMC兽医研究attendedARAE 2017,这是全球AMR研究中的重要基石,允许那些在AMR各个领域工作的人聚集在一起讨论和分享思想,以减轻抵抗的影响。


For the above reasons, we believe that there is no better time to roll out this long-awaited thematic series. Henceforth,BMC兽医研究andBMC微生物学想邀请您参加我们的新主题系列:‘兽医抗菌耐药性和抗菌素’。


我们欢迎在司机和》提交ms of AMR and its emergence and on the incentives/disincentives of AMU and knowledge in different production systems, and especially in food production. We will investigate the role of regulation and policies, the role of the farm environment and the animal attendants and the consequences of all of the above on public health.


We believe that this topic is of importance to veterinary and medical practitioners, microbiologists and policy makers, and the published articles aspire to examine the current use of antimicrobials and their implications in animals and the environment. The articles will also endeavor upon the level of resistance to antimicrobials and their prominence in terms of animal and human health.

Please submit directly toBMC兽医研究orBMC微生物学在您的求职信中说明,您针对的是“兽医抗菌抗性和抗菌使用”系列。或者,您可以将您的提交询问发送给hayley.henderson@biomedcentral.comandcecilia.devoto@biomedcentral.com


We look forward to hearing from you!

