Battling antimicrobial resistance at ASM Microbe 2017

BMC Microbiology最近参加ASM Microbe 2017, held by theAmerican Society for Microbiology在美国新奥尔良。这次年度会议吸引了来自104个国家 /地区的近12,000名与会者,并举办了500多个会议,涵盖了整个微生物学!在下面,我们仅瞥见会议的亮点。

ASM Microbe 2017kicked off with an exciting opening session featuringJulie Theriot,Lalita Ramakrishnan, and ASM Microbe Lecturer,尼克·莱恩, who were engaging and thought-provoking! It was a great chance to learn more about how the physical and the mechanical properties of bacteria can impact their behaviour (关联),关于如何使用斑马鱼模型来研究结核病的发病机理(关联)以及生命的三个领域之间的区别:细菌,古细菌和真核生物,来自生物能学的基础(关联)。

AMR, AMR… oh and AMR

The single most central theme on ASM Microbe 2017 was antimicrobial resistance (AMR) – and rightly so. This was evident first from the address byASM President Susan Sharp, who spoke about the urgency for a global “one health” solution on AMR. She discussed her representation of ASM at the 2016 United Nations General Assembly focused on AMR, where world leaders expressed concerns ranging from the basic needs of clean water and sanitation, access to effective antibiotics in lower income nations, to overutilization and misutilization of antibiotics in developed countries. ASM has established a multi-stakeholder initiative convening key experts to share and analyse the current status of AMR. We look forward to seeing how this unfolds in the medium term.

However the address on AMR did not end there. A session with the theme “Global response to antimicrobial resistance: can humans win this war?” offered further insight into the dissemination and control of AMR.Teresa Coque·拉蒙-卡哈尔大学医院了thorough talk on the environmental dimension of AMR. She spoke about antimicrobial use, the absence of official legislation, about how the farm can affect hospitals and about the factors that influence antibiotic effects.Michihico Goto爱荷华大学提出了一项关于如何控制人类AMR传播的高级战略。自然,这场演讲重点放在手工卫生和环境/医院的清洁度上,并真正使我们感到奇怪:“干净足够干净?”。最后,我们参加了一场关于积极管理干预措施的精彩演讲,以扭转AMR和医院的感染(HAIS)伊恩·古尔德来自阿伯丁大学。他的演讲结束了,他展示了鲍勃·迪伦(Bob Dylan)的歌曲《敲门门》(Knocking onkeing Door)的有趣重演。跳到此博客的结尾阅读歌词!

BMC Microbiologyrecognises the trend on AMR and plans to respond soon with a new special issue on a very relevant and important topic – stay tuned!

A keynote address… out of this world!

NASA宇航员和病毒学家凯特·鲁宾博士delivered an inspiring keynote address about her journey through space. Her story about how it all started never seizes to amaze:


她最终在2009年被NASA选中了18,000份申请。然后,她参加了一项激烈的三年培训课程,该课程涉及在水和土地上的生存培训,驾驶T-38超音速战斗机培训师(!)以及学习如何进行太空行走。鲁宾博士完成了她在Expedition 48/49上的第一个太空飞行,在那里她成为第一个在太空中序列DNA的人。她在太空中度过了115天,进行了两次太空行走。




You can find some photos of her time in space这里.


2017年是第一年Nature,BioMed CentralSpringerjoined forces in ASM Microbe and exhibited together asbob游戏平台; and this was very well received! We were delighted to interact with authors from all over the world and across disciplines, with funders and with government officials.

我们希望我们带来了更多的副本BMC Microbiology最新审查按部分编辑器Prof. Raffaele Zarrilli和副编辑阿萨德·汗(Asad Khan)博士on the New Delhi Metallo-β-lactamase and ofMicrobiome’sarticle按部分编辑器Marco Ventura教授以及副编辑克里斯蒂安·米兰尼(Christian Milani)博士和弗朗西斯卡·特伦尼(Francesca Turroni)博士,讲述了Ötzi的微生物组的古老细菌。

我们很高兴亲身体验到的影响Open Access在出版行业。BMC Microbiology努力通过开放和包容性来实现Biomed Central的价值观,并激励我们看到研究界认可我们的努力。

施普林格bob游戏平台大自然团队和BMC Microbiology等不及了ASM Microbe 2018在亚特兰大!


Nebot and Lawes (21/01/2016), presented by Ian Gould at ASM Microbe 2017.

“Mama, take the old cephalosporins off me

‘Cause I can’t use them anymore

There’s ESBL in every pee


Knock, knock, knocking on the pharmacist’s door

Knocking on the microbiologist’s door


Infection prevention and control team door


‘Cause they’re not useful anymore

SAPG is coming down



And take the co-amoxiclav too

‘因为我到处都有C diff

And MRSA is nothing new

Mama, put the macrolides in the ground


You know your judgement is really sound

So send you patients on their way

Mama, take ciprofloxacin off of me



If we can’t save them, then no-one will”

Related blogs:

Our human destiny in the post-antibiotic era


Will my children survive antimicrobial resistance?

在干草堆中寻找针 - 或如何在动物组织样品中找到分枝杆菌DNA

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