Cervical Cancer Awareness Month: Highlighting cervical cancer research at BMC

For Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, Editors across a number of BMC oncology journals have curated a compilation of articles highlighting the latest research in cervical cancer.

January marksCervical Cancer Awareness Month和, in recognition of this, we are proud to present a range of some of the latest cervical cancer research published across BMC’s oncology journals.

Despite being highly preventable through early screening methods and vaccination, cervical cancer remains thefourth most commoncause of cancer among women worldwide.

Research into cervical cancer prevention, diagnostics, signaling pathways, and therapeutics is therefore crucial. The articles in this compilation have been curated by our cancer journal Editors and include the latest cervical cancer research from BMC in each of these four critical topics.

Cervical cancer prevention

Knowledge, attitudes, and practices toward cervical cancer prevention among women in Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia

Preventing cervical cancer using HPV self-sampling: direct mailing of test-kits increases screening participation more than timely opt-in procedures – a randomized controlled trial

Reducing incidence of cervical cancer: knowledge and attitudes of caregivers in Nigerian city to human papilloma virus vaccination

Simultaneously characterizing the comparative economics of routine female adolescent nonavalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and assortativity of sexual mixing in Hong Kong Chinese: a modeling analysis

Risk assessment and diagnostics


Triage of high-risk HPV-positive women in population-based screening by miRNA expression analysis in cervical scrapes; a feasibility study

Signaling pathways

Association of HLA-G 3′ UTR polymorphism and expression with the progression of cervical lesions in human papillomavirus 18 infections

Foxp3 is correlated with VEGF-C expression and lymphangiogenesis in cervical cancer



LncRNA PVT1 promotes the growth of HPV positive and negative cervical squamous cell carcinoma by inhibiting TGF-β1

Long non-coding RNA TPT1-AS1 promotes cell growth and metastasis in cervical cancer via acting AS a sponge for miR-324-5p

Overexpression of HOTAIR leads to radioresistance of human cervical cancer via promoting HIF-1α expression


High dose-rate tandem and ovoid brachytherapy in cervical cancer: dosimetric predictors of adverse events

Intensity-modulated radiation therapy for definitive treatment of cervical cancer: a meta-analysis

Programmed cell death-ligand (PDL-1) is expressed in a significant number of the uterine cervical carcinomas

Articles from the following journals are included in this collection:BMC Cancer,BMC Medicine,Cancer Cell International,临床表观遗传学,诊断病理学,Infectious Agents & Cancer,Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research,辐射肿瘤学,World Journal of Surgical Oncology.

…Now that you’ve read the research, test your knowledge of cervical cancer with our Cervical Cancer Awareness Quiz:

Cervical Cancer Awareness Quiz

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