Treating depression in Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is debilitating condition that progressively takes over your body: characterized by distinct tremors, muscle stiffness, and balance problems. Often forgotten is the psychotropic effect the disease can have on the brain – an equally debilitating, medication-resistant depression. Here, Alexandra Lesenskyj, author of a recently published荟萃分析翻译神经变性讨论帕金森氏病病例中抑郁症的经颅磁刺激作为治疗选择。


One promising alternative, currently being used in the general population, istranscranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)。该治疗方法是将类似头盔的装置放在患者头上,并在大脑的特定区域施加无痛的冲动。从策略上定位非侵入性线圈会产生一个磁场,该磁场会引起电流,从而影响特定皮质区域内的神经元。

Many studies用TMS治疗后显示出显着降低抑郁症状。除了明显的心理变化之外,还注意到生理变化。特别是,已经显示出高频TMS稳定功能连接在抑郁症患者的大脑中。为了进一步加强这些发现,对可能的安慰剂作用的早期怀疑已经存在平息

鉴于TMS在普通人群中取得成功,我们试图确定这种方法是否可以帮助帕金森氏症人群中的抑郁症患者。在our meta-analysiswe identified a handful of studies that begin to address this question.

When all studies were combined, a very large effect was observed when applying stimulation to patients with Parkinson’s and concomitant depression.

首先,我们确定了七个研究1)工作with a Parkinson’s population, 2) included patients with clinically identified depression, 3) applied TMS to patients, and 4) reported pre- and post-TMS depression scores (using one of three widely accepted inventories). Obtaining depression levels prior to and following treatment allowed us to quantify any potential effect that TMS had on patients’ psychological symptoms.

Next steps involved categorizing the studies based on experimental design, assessment method, and treatment parameters (ie. stimulation site and frequency). As part of this initial analysis, we looked at effect size (Hedge’s G) and significance (p-value) for individual experimental groups within each study. With the exception of one study, our results showed that all groups applying stimulation yielded very large effect sizes (>1.20), not due to chance (p<0.05). Put simply, all but one study reported decreases in depression after TMS treatment.



临床医生和科学家在治疗复杂的耐药性疾病过程时遭受临床医生和科学家的责任。震颤和抑郁症都可以将患者捕获到自己的身体中,因此,重要的是要继续寻找现有选择的安全有效替代方案。此外,我们希望这项研究鼓励考虑所有疾病方面的考虑 - 在坚定不移的努力下照顾患者。

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