
去年一月,抗癌(ST2C)慈善职业gram announced the“收敛2.0”研究计划,,,,which awards $11M to seven highly multidisciplinary teams in the field of cancer research. This research programme brings together life scientists, bioengineers and Microsoft machine learning experts to investigate new cancer therapies. David T. Ting, co-Editor-in-Chief of the journalCancer Convergence,以及其中一位“融合”梦想团队之一,谈论该计划的重要性和潜在影响力。

((This guest post was originally published onSU2C博客并经许可在这里复制。)

The annualsu2cScientific Summit is an amazing meeting that brings together the best scientists and physicians together to fight cancer. The formation of multidisciplinary “Convergence” Dream Teams that combine clinical oncology, cancer biology, and quantitative sciences is a true synergy, taking cancer research to a higher level not achievable by any single discipline. As an oncologist, this team mentality is exactly what we do in our multidisciplinary clinics combining medical, radiation, and surgical oncology care. The new model of cancer research is truly a team sport.

我很幸运能成为原始的一部分SU2C收敛小组,这使我能够与西奈山的本·格林鲍姆(Ben Greenbaum)紧密合作。融合团队正是听起来的样子:Ben的物理学和计算生物学背景补充了我在RNA癌症生物学和临床肿瘤学方面的专业知识,以解决一些复杂的癌症研究问题。通过我们的工作,Ben创建了第一个数学模型,该模型可以预测诊断为肺癌或肺癌癌症患者的不同治疗方法的潜在益处。该模型捕获了肿瘤进化的各个方面以及肿瘤与免疫系统的潜在相互作用,比以前的基因组生物标志物更准确地预测肿瘤的反应。即使没有我们的发现,我也很幸运地结识了一个好朋友。

在最近的峰会上,看到该领域的下一步融合研究的前进真是令人兴奋。SU2C向七个多学科研究团队授予了1100万美元,以调查对癌症的免疫系统反应。多机构的团队借鉴了美国顶级的学术研究中心,并将获得Microsoft Research在机器学习和人工智能方面的专家。

Each team will be comprised of experts in life sciences, physical sciences, mathematics and engineering and will have the opportunity to work collaboratively with Microsoft’s machine learning experts to discover key aspects of the interaction between cancer and the immune system that can lead to the development of new treatments. For Convergence 2.0, Ben and I will collaborate on a study connecting immune health and tumor biology in gynecologic cancers.


除了获得微软的大力支持外,卢斯特加登胰腺癌研究基金会为一个团队提供了资金,而癌症免疫疗法协会(SITC)也做到了 - 后者是支持七个团队中五个团队的五个团队的后者,为早期职业科学家提供了与领先研究人员合作的机会。

我很高兴这些新团队利用人工智能和统计物理学来解决该领域需要回答的一些最具挑衅性的问题。观看我们在胰腺癌研究中取得的进展真是太神奇了,SU2C,Lustgarten Foundation和其他人提供的资金推动了我年轻的职业生涯。我很高兴能成为这个不断发展的SU2C家庭的一部分。

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