一个月,没有酒精 - 给您的肝脏休息以使一月干燥

Many who have overindulged over Christmas and New Year may be tempted to give up alcohol entirely for January. In this blogISRCTNlooks at recently registered research about ‘the demon drink’.

In the last five years, there have been many charity campaigns urging us to give up alcohol for a month, from Alcohol Concern’sDry January, Cancer Research UK’sDryathlonin both January and September, and Macmillan Cancer Support’sGo Sober for October

这些运动不仅旨在为其慈善机构筹集资金,而且希望从长期来鼓励行为改变以改善我们的健康。例如,已知酒精会导致seven types of cancer, including breast, mouth and bowel cancers, and cutting down your drinking lowers your risk of cancer. Abstaining from alcohol for four weeks alsolowers blood pressure和blood sugar, improves sleep and concentration and helps you lose weight.

In this blog we take a look at a sample of theISRCTNstudies and trials related to alcohol from what causes us to go ‘over the limit’ and what can be done to discourage heavy drinking.

Why do we drink too much?


哪些因素会影响我们喝多少?2015年,剑桥大学的行为和健康研究部门研究了酒杯的大小是否会影响酒吧和餐馆中的葡萄酒。他们发现,较大的眼镜确实增加了我们的消费,因为购买的葡萄酒量增加了9.4%(研究注册的研究ISRCTN和published inBMC公共卫生).

The same group is now investigating whether将饮料标记为“低酒精”actually leads people to consume more by making them appear less harmful. This study takes place in a ‘bar lab’ – a laboratory setting that mimics a bar environment. Researchers at London South Bank University have also recently looked at whether viewing alcohol promoting and alcohol warning广告在“味觉测试”中影响了年轻人的饮酒。

Know your limits

While bars, restaurants and advertising are all urging us to drink more, in the UK the government wants us to drink less, not only for our own good but also forthe burden it places on the NHS。据估计,酒精的每年35亿英镑耗资约35亿英镑,每个纳税人约为120英镑。

This time last year the英国饮酒指南were updated, reducing the recommended weekly limit for men from 21 to 14 units per week, in line with the recommendations for women. A team at the University of Sheffield is currently学习ingthe impact of the campaigns promoting the new guidelines on the drinking habits of adults in England.


还可以做些什么来传播明智的饮酒信息?一个共同的策略是针对年轻人,他们的平均饮酒量最高博客。For example this学习at Newcastle University looked at the effects of a personalized, interactive worksheet-based session for young people aged 14-15 at high school.


从学校到大学的转变是一个理想的“可教会时刻”,当人们更愿意改变自己的行为时。因此,新大学生是一个特别的重点,最近在谢菲尔德大学在英国和在Linköping Universityin Sweden, both of which involve the students completing online questionnaires which then give them appropriate advice on their drinking behavior.

Clean living

预防胜于治愈,最好在人们喝酒成为问题之前抓住人们,但是还有其他针对“之后的早晨”的研究,以各种不同环境的重量饮酒者为目标。例如,其中包括一个简短的5分钟讨论sexual health clinic, a motivational interview in the医院急诊室, behavioral change counseling while inpolice custody, and even oral cancer prevention leaflets given out atdental surgeries

There are also studies looking at problems connected to drinking, ranging fromdrink-driving,使用其他药物,最终alcohol dependence。Just as other bad habits go hand in hand with drinking, sensible drinking can be taught alongside other healthy behaviors such as健康饮食,身体活跃,不吸烟。U@Uni研究网站包括一个问卷,文本,视频和链接,以了解有关四种目标健康行为的更多信息。但是,只有抽烟rates were significantly affected and participant engagement was low.

There’s an app for that


数字技术可以达到的关键哟ung people? Studies using文本消息传递,online self-help websites智能手机应用程序are becoming increasingly common at ISRCTN. The latter study is testing different versions of the Drink Less app, from a minimal version that simply records drinks and units consumed, to a full version that also monitors mood, productivity and sleep quality, and gives the user feedback on their progress.


如果您想尝试Dry 1月份,请下载许多应用程序,例如官方的“ Dry 1月与超越”应用苹果手机安卓,即使不适合您明智的饮酒is one that should be remembered throughout the year.

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