
A wait-list controlledtrial published todayBMC Medicineprovides the evidence for use of volunteer support intervention in palliative care. Here, author Catherine Walshe discusses the key challenges encountered at the design and recruitment phases of the trial. Please be aware that some of the references in this blog require a subscription to read the full text.

Trials in palliative care are relatively uncommon and mostly focus on the provision of specialist palliative care in ambulatory settings for people with cancer, as shown in this recent comprehensive审查

trial published todayBMC Medicine通过关注所有被认为是生命的最后一年的人们,无论诊断如何,以及由志愿者而不是员工提供的干预措施,在多种方式上有所不同。由于担心人们在生命的尽头花时间,以及由于晚期疾病或死亡而应对流失的实际挑战,因此仍然受到姑息治疗试验的一些挑战。


这‘wait’ in a wait-list trial

a -设计被认为是合适的地方is felt appropriate that all participants should eventually receive an intervention. This was particularly important to the volunteers providing the intervention in this study.


这‘wait’ design is also difficult in a study where service issues may delay the start of the intervention. Providing an appropriate volunteer is not quite the same as prescribing a drug, and sites were concerned with issues such as matching volunteer and patient, whilst also taking account of volunteer availability.

我们表明,通过定制培训和定期支持,从业人员能够参与研究设计,了解其优点并根据设计进行交付 - 试验的“等待”部门没有人提前接受干预。




我们表明,通过定制培训和定期支持,从业人员能够参与研究设计,了解其优点并根据设计进行交付 - 试验的“等待”部门没有人提前接受干预。



More challenging was recruiting family/informal caregivers to take part in the study. We hypothesized that such caregivers may also indirectly benefit from the intervention, but recruiting and collecting data from such caregivers was difficult. The problem was that the caregiver recruitment packs were not necessarily distributed, rather than caregivers choosing not to participate in required numbers.



Would we choose this design again? Yes. What would we recommend to those considering wait-list trials in palliative care? First, to consider the length of the ‘wait’ and how this impacts on data collection schedules. Second, to ensure sufficient resource to facilitate data collection, ideally in person, so that this is collected at the optimum time.

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