
Malaria intervention coverage has rapidly increased across regions in Uganda, according to a发表在BMC医学上的新研究。作者Gloria Ikilezi和Allen Roberts将这些发现与乌干达对抗疟疾的最新发展联系起来。

Uganda has markedly increased access to – and use of – malaria interventions since 2007, likely driving the country’s 58%decline in malaria mortalityfrom 2000 to 2013. Yet with the乌干达北部的大规模疟疾爆发今年夏天,政府官员在三个月内报告了超过22,000例案件和160例死亡,对当地疟疾趋势进行强有力监测的需求变得更加紧迫。



从历史上看,乌干达北部地区的疟疾传播发生率最高(and often in the world)。作为回应,该国和发展伙伴已将该地区的预防和治疗工作主要针对该地区。

This focus likely underlies the North’s regional gains in malaria intervention coverage: in 2011, its rates of ITN use (56%), coverage of IRS (56%), and receipt of first-line antimalarials by febrile children under 5 (69%) were the highest in Uganda.

And just-published survey data show over 94% of households in the North owned ITNs in 2014 – evidence of success for乌干达的第一个普遍分销活动that took place from May 2013 to August 2014.

因此,如果北部地区在扩大疟疾干预措施方面取得了很大进展,为什么今年会经历如此毁灭性的爆发?Ugandan leadership pointS到许多潜在因素,包括最近在某些地区停止IR,以及在某些社区中对疟疾干预措施的使用较少。

Unfortunately, the后者不是罕见的when countries are successful in reducing their malaria burdens; as the actual risk for malaria falls, perceptions of risk and continued need for interventions can also decline. Further, researchers have shown thatmalaria can often resurge following shiftsin or downsizing of control programs.




例如,在最近的爆发中,Uganda’s National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) introduceddistrict-level malaria maps to bolster local surveillance and launched guidelines to strengthen epidemic preparedness and response.

其次,很可能需要确定疟疾干预措施的正确组合,并在正确的时代提供正确的地方和人,以进一步减轻乌干达的疟疾负担。全国的最新的疟疾战略计划概述了f机制or the NMCP and development partners, such as the President’s Malaria Initiative and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, to strengthen coordination across a spectrum of tools against malaria. In addition to ITNs and IRS, Uganda is also considering complementary approaches to vector control, such as改进的房屋建设



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