
Sally Johnson, Sally Johnson, Director of Organ Donation and Transplantation at NHS Blood and Transplant
NHS血液和移植的器官捐赠和移植主管Sally Johnson

对48个国家的器官捐赠方案的分析已经出版于BMC医学今天, studying the differences between opt-in and opt-out systems. In this guest post, Sally Johnson, Director of Organ Donation and Transplantation at National Health Service (NHS) Blood and Transplant, tells us about why we need more people to consent to organ donation.

As director of Organ Donation and Transplantation at NHS Blood and Transplant I’m delighted to have seen huge increases not just in the numbers of deceased organ donors over the last few years, but also in the numbers of patients benefitting from a transplant.

However, I want to explain why we can’t rest on our laurels and why we still have a huge amount of work to do if we are to change public attitudes to organ donation and bring about an increase in consent rates.


But before I do, I want to paint a picture of the progress that’s been made. The UK has taken a huge leap forward in organ donation and transplantation rates over the last few years. The number of deceased organ donors has increased from 809 in 2007/8 to 1,320 in 2013/14. The number of deceased donor transplants increased from 2,384 to 3,509 over the same period. What this means is that more people are getting the transplant they need than ever before.

这些数字反映了NHS在嵌入死者捐赠实践中发生的大量工作和转变。现在,在所有急性信托基金会和医院团队中都存在器官捐赠的临床潜在客户,以识别潜在的捐助者,并将其转介给NHS Blood和Transplant的器官捐赠专家护士团队。

Quality training materials and theNational Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance on donor identification and consent为了确保以适当和敏感的方式与家庭联系。

We have also established a National Organ Retrieval Service to ensure that there are surgical teams available whenever and wherever a family agrees to donation so their organs can benefit patients.

I think that the NHS has done almost all it can do to build an infrastructure that supports an effective donation and transplant system, making the most of every donation opportunity. But this is not enough.

More lives can be saved



Yes, that’s right and that’s great! But the challenge is that only around 5,000 people of the half a million people who die in the UK each year die in circumstances where they could potentially donate their organs.

Image courtesy of NHS Blood and Transplant


This figure means that every single potential donor is precious. Many of these potential donors are not on the Organ Donor Register and even when they are, their families when approached may find it too difficult to agree to donation going ahead, often due to grief and the fact that they may not fully understand what the donation process involves.


Sadly, the impact of all is this is that four out of ten families approached say no.英国对器官捐赠的家庭同意率仍然固执地较低。不幸的是,如果家庭不对捐赠说“是”,他们所爱的人的器官将被埋葬或火化,其他等待移植的患者也可能死亡。



What is very clear is that we need to continue working closely in partnership with the UK health departments, other UK Government agencies and the voluntary sector in order to bring about the necessary change in attitudes.

I am really encouraged to see that many of these partnerships are making a positive difference, for example our successful work with the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) and theBehavioural Insights Unit鼓励器官捐赠者注册注册。但是我们知道需要做更多的事情。


We need greater awareness and discussion


Every hospital has patients waiting for transplants, so any decision not to refer will have wider implications. Too many patients continue to die needlessly when waiting for an organ transplant, while others are forced to continue with treatments which greatly restrict their quality of life.


Surely there is nothing you can be more proud of than saving lives after your own death? And don’t we also have a societal responsibility to save lives if we can?

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