适应和重新发明:尼古拉塔·达斯卡鲁(Nicoleta Dascalu)使用欧盟结构性资金减少罗马尼亚

下列的a workshop in Budapest去年秋天,杰弗里·拉撒路(Jeffrey Lazarus)与参与者谈到了中欧和东欧的可持续资金减少损害的可持续资金。由此产生的访谈are part of theEuropean Joint Action on HIV and Co-infection Prevention and Harm Reduction((HA-REACT)This time he interviewed Nicoleta Dascalu, who serves as project manager of the Romanian NGOAsociația Română Anti Sida(阿拉斯


ARAS was founded in Bucharest in 1992, and now we have 12 regional offices around the country. Our main missions: preventing HIV, viral hepatitis and STIs; supporting people living with HIV or hepatitis, and their families; and advocating for human rights. ARAS is the only Romanian NGO working with all the key populations for HIV and hepatitis, and we provide services tailored to each population’s needs.

我们开始采用非常简单的方法开始提供减少伤害的方法 - 从背包中分发干净的注射器。今天,我们提供针头交换,酒精拭子,美沙酮治疗,社会援助,心理咨询,对艾滋病毒和肝炎的快速测试,结核病筛查以及与各种护理的联系。我们使用专用的液滴中心和“社会救护车”,这些中心去了使用毒品的人所在的地方。我们还与商业性工作者,罗姆人,无家可归者和其他人合作。

Finally, we devote a lot of energy to advocating for access to treatment for hepatitis C and other diseases.

How has funding for harm reduction changed in Romania in the last few years?

罗马尼亚于2007年加入欧盟之后发生了很多变化。主要的外国资助者离开了该国,罗马尼亚没有资格获得某些资金来源,最著名的是艾滋病毒从全球基金会拨款,抗击艾滋病,结核病和疟疾。We remained eligible for their TB grants – fortunately, as Romania has the highest burden of TB in the EU. Until the Global Fund harm-reduction projects ended in 2010, harm reduction had always been funded from foreign sources, including the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the Open Society Institute, and UNAIDS.



当该项目结束时,我们得到了布加勒斯特市政府为另一个项目提供资金,该项目持续了三年,今年夏天才停止。否则,从国外资助了减少损害的努力 - 从Global Fund TB grants,,,,挪威赠款andSidaction.但是现在我们处于关键的十字路口,因为当前的结核病赠款在12月耗尽,而且没有其他资金可用于减少伤害。罗马尼亚反毒品机构刚刚开始由非政府组织开展的减少损害的外展项目。这是该机构的第一个,这是一项名为“国家利益计划”计划的较大倡议的一部分。

Tell me about your experience in applying for EU structural funds. What strategies have been most effective in obtaining this funding?


The authorities who manage the structural funds in Romania did not explicitly request funding for harm reduction, and drug users are not eligible for other funding lines. We keep lobbying them to include users as a target group in the funded projects, and to adapt their guidelines to conditions in the field. The biggest difficulty has been the mandatory collection of personal information for every beneficiary, including a copy of his or her identity card – a challenge with many active drug users. Despite our efforts, we’ve had no success in changing this requirement.

It’s been an ongoing process of adaptation and reinvention

I wouldn’t say we are a best-practice model in obtaining grants. The fact is, that with the structural funds, we had to adapt in order to design and implement fundable projects, projects whose objectives didn’t always align with our original ones. To provide our clients with harm-reduction and health services, we began organizing training in various professions. And so we could keep working with our primary beneficiaries, we started projects that also targeted other vulnerable groups. It’s been an ongoing process of adaptation and reinvention. Unfortunately, the current round of structural funds (2014-2020) has been moving very slowly, and we’ve had great difficulty accessing them.



