Patients’ views on what matters most

患者参与为患者的治疗选择和研究带来了不可替代的见解。但是,您如何在人口层面应用?新研究published todayinResearch Involvement and Engagement评估了加拿大加拿大药物专家委员会将患者洞察力整合到评估报告和建议中。在这里,合着者莎拉·伯格拉斯(Sarah Berglas)讨论了该患者参与政策级别的重要性。

When I was pregnant with my second child, a fabulous midwife was responsible for my prenatal care. She respected that I was aware of what my body was telling me to do, or not to do.


She asked about my week, my family, and my concerns, before taking my blood pressure or listening for the fetal heartbeat. I trusted her counsel as we discussed risks and care options.


Is it possible to take this approach, which is not common enough at an individual level, and apply it at a population level?

Is it possible to take this approach, which is not common enough at an individual level, and apply it at a population level?

在加拿大,Canadian Agency For Drugs And Technologies In Health (CADTH) Common Drug Reviewrecommends which new drugs should receive public funding. Not all new drugs receive funding; public drug budgets are not limitless. Efficacy was demonstrated in clinical trials for the drug to be sold, but is each drug worth its price tag?

Unsurprisingly, when asked, clinicians, researchers, economists, and patients can have different ideas on what should be considered to determine a drug’s value.


The multiple insights from the patient groups are used to develop each drug assessment’s protocol, and later on, to understand the life-world relevance of trial data included in the assessments.

结果我们的研究,published today inResearch Involvement and Engagement,证明可以将单个患者见解纳入人群水平的药物评估。

结果我们的研究,published today inResearch Involvement and Engagement,证明可以将单个患者见解纳入人群水平的药物评估。Insights from patients were used to set outcomes of importance to determine a drug’s value, and by the expert committee to understand the clinical significance of the results of the assessment.

From patients, we heard about symptom relief, slower disease progression, and avoiding death. These outcomes were often tracked in clinical trials.

However, we also heard insights on avoiding hospitalization, reducing the need for rescue medications, lowering costs for treatment, avoiding dependence upon a caregiver, and having the mental and emotional ability to engage in daily life, and more. All of these insights were infrequently captured in clinical trials.


As patients become more engaged in health research, the things that matter most to patients will be increasingly incorporated into clinical trials.

在英国,James Lind Alliancebrings patients, caregivers, and clinicians together to identify and prioritize the ‘Top 10 unanswered questions’ about the effects of treatments. In 2015,Sally Crowe and colleagues,将患者和临床医生优先处理的治疗与研究人员研究的治疗方法相比,发现明显的差异。

As patients become more engaged in health research, the things that matter most to patients will be increasingly incorporated into clinical trials. Clinicians, at an individual level with their patients, and policy-makers, at a population level, will then have the data to address priorities identified by patients. Patients: those who tolerate side effects, who accept risks, who balance family life to accommodate treatment, and hopefully, who become or remain well.

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