埃博拉病毒 - 可能性和现实


It’s not that we don’t know what to do

埃博拉病毒爆发can be brought under control within weeks通过已建立的遏制措施。但是在这种情况下,该病毒被认为是爆发原因的三个月,而另外五个则是宣布公共卫生紧急情况的爆发,此后几周后,人道主义反应。


Meanwhile densely populated towns, and not just rural areas, are affected; the populations of the affected areas are very mobile; traditional burial practices involve washing the bodies of the dead; and resources for identifying, isolating and treating the infected are very limited. So the outbreak has accelerated, with the number of deaths already exceeding deaths in all earlier outbreaks combined,感染每两到三周增加一倍,看不见。

Accounts from the field,梅德金斯(Médecins)Sansantières一直在对该病毒进行前线动作,因为它在成为头条新闻之前就可以让您屏住呼吸。


至少在不久的将来,遏制看起来像是失去的原因,因此加速释放无牌治疗和埃博拉病毒疫苗的案例是紧急考虑的重点。本月BMC生物学,亨氏·费尔德曼(Heinz Feldmann)的研究,美国国家卫生研究院(NIH)在病毒学实验室方面的研究是关于高端病毒的,并且在爆发管理方面具有现场经验,而托马斯·霍恩(Thomas Hoenen)则在NIH的病毒学实验室中也有托马斯·霍恩(Thomas Hoenen)排练论点在我们必须交出的方面,对病毒的了解以及该领域的政治现实。

None of the existing therapeutic agents or vaccines is licensed. The case for overlooking this for health workers, with priority access to limited supplies, is, as Feldmann and Hoenen point out, more or less incontestable, given the critical importance of trained health workers to all populations affected and the (at least) 144 already lost to the virus.


同时,费尔德曼(Feldmann)和霍宁(Hoenen)并不孤单地指出,含有爆发的传统措施是必须的,以及简单的措施(流体和电解质替代)保持感染患者的活力足够长的时间给他们一个机会来抵抗the virus for themselves.



Everybody knows that after sanitation, the most effective disease control measure is vaccination.



There are pathogens against which it is very difficult to design a vaccine. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is notoriously one of them,恶性疟原虫,疟疾的原因是另一个。尽管付出了很大的努力,但未能针对这些祸害开发疫苗,这是由于病原体的特性所致,这意味着我们没有对它们产生有效的自然免疫力。


This is not to diminish the difficulties of producing safe and effective vaccines even when this fundamental requirement is met. Live attenuated vaccines may not be completely safe, while subunit vaccines (based on recombinant proteins), which are safe, are not always effective. It takes time to engineer and test a vaccine that combines maximum safety with maximum efficacy – especially if, as in undeveloped countries and emergencies, you need a vaccine that works with just one shot, no boosters.


The two vaccines described by Feldmann and Thoenen in their article are in phase I trials. Their relative merits are still a辩论问题,但是在九到十八个月中,生产足够的剂量进行大规模疫苗接种时,没有任何争议。

Here’s another very simple fact (I am not pretending this is news). For purely economic reasons, resources to develop and especially to mass-produce vaccines against very dangerous but rare tropical diseases are extremely limited.


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