Flaviviruses make you smell like a perfume to attract blood-seeking Aedes mosquitoes, and you might be able to take a cheap, safe drug to stop them

Krisztian Magori回顾了最近的一项研究,该研究表明,黄病毒使小鼠(和人)产生更多的挥发性乙醇酮,该苯二甲酮也包括在许多香水中,吸引了更多寻求血腥的雌性蚊子。而且,廉价且安全的维生素A衍生物可能能够应对其影响。

Bednets in a pediatric ICU unit. Wikimedia

登革热,寨卡病毒和其他蚊子在蚊子中传播的其他黄病毒艾德斯属是一个主要公共卫生问题,每年使数亿人生病并杀死成千上万的人。这些arbovirus有望更好地传输,并且to more people geographically将来在我们温暖的气候中。几千年来,人们已经认识到,在蚊子传播的疾病暴发期间,这些疾病的患者需要在康复期间保护这些疾病的患者免受进一步的蚊子叮咬(例如用床网),以限制这些疾病对健康人的传播。部分原因是,由于症状的症状,康复的患者可能不太能够保护自己免受蚊子的叮咬,部分原因是蚊子可能更吸引因蚊子传播疾病而厌倦的人。这种策略在进化上对蚊子传播的病原体有利,以最大化其传播。有证据表明,通过操纵宿主,人们对蚊子传播的疾病感染了人们对寻求鲜血的女性蚊子的吸引力。例如,我们知道Plasmodium parasites产生一种类异on-前体,增加人类红细胞挥发性混合物的释放,这使得感染疟疾的小鼠对蚊子媒介的吸引力显着吸引人。但是,到目前为止,我们不知道Arbovirus是否通过艾德斯蚊子会类似地操纵其宿主以最大程度地传播疾病。


在一场旅行中study,洪张,Yibin Zhu及其同事在Tsinghua University表明,Flavivivirus感染的小鼠对寻求血液的吸引力明显更具吸引力艾德斯蚊子。允许蚊子选择在三笼和两笼嗅觉仪中移动到更接近健康或感染小鼠的笼子。蚊子的偏好与宿主发出的挥发物有关,这显示出偏好被挥发性清除消除。

Analyzing how the antennae of female mosquitoes reacted to the volatiles of healthy and infected mice, the researchers found that mosquitoes responded significantly to acetophenone, decanal and styrene, but not to other volatiles. Acetophenone attracted more mosquitoes when put on healthy mice, or on a human hand, compared with just the solvent. Using GC-MS, ten-to-hundred times as much acetophenone was found to be released by Zika-virus and dengue-infected compared to healthy mice.

Volatiles taken from the armpits of dengue patients attracted significantly more mosquitoes than just the solvent, or volatiles taken from the armpits of healthy donors. The volatiles taken from the armpits of dengue patients also contained ten-to-hundred times as much acetophenone compared to the volatiles taken from armpits of healthy donors.



Resistin-like molecula-α, an antimicrobial protein specifically expressed by epidermal keratinocytes and sebocytes was expressed at significantly reduced levels in the skin of Zika-virus and dengue-infected mice, compared to healthy controls, based on RNA-seq, qPCR and Western blot. This protein, as well as it’s human analog, RETN, significantly reduced the viability of the acetophenone-producing Bacillus bacteria, compared to other bacteria. Based on previous research, RELM-α can be induced by dietary vitamin A derivatives, such as isotretinoin.



One of the strengths of this study is that it provides a thorough analysis of this important subject, and it combines a large number of studies employing a variety of techniques from mosquito choice assays to electroantennograms to GS-MS to RNA-seq to microbiological studies in the quest to find the mechanism by which mosquitoes prefer infected mice and people. The study provides strong evidence that flaviviruses modify their host’s microbiome to increase the production of volatiles that attract mosquito vectors, ensuring their transmission to other hosts. This is similar to how Plasmodium parasites increase the release of volatile blends by human red blood cells to attract more Anopheles mosquitoes. There are also similar examples from insect-transmitted plant pathogens, such as where the黄瓜镶嵌病毒makes infected squash plants produce a volatile blend that attracts aphids despite the low quality of the infected plant. These results suggest that we have a whole another reason to protect people infected with flaviviruses from mosquito bites, because even with all else equal, they will attract more mosquitoes.

Crystal structure of isotretionin molecule. Colour code: dark grey: Carbon; grey:  Hydrogen, red: Oxygen. Image from Wikimedia


最后,在当前研究中负责提高感染小鼠的吸引力的挥发性,乙烯酮, is widely used in fragrances and perfumes, due to its floral, sweet scent to people. Thus, next time you go to areas that are endemic for dengue, Zika, or other flaviviruses, or just have large艾德斯populations (such as Eastern North America), which will increase in the future, make sure to check that the香味您穿的不包括乙烯酮!

