Standing up for the health of migrants againt anti-immigrant rhetoric

Krisztian Magorireviews the recently published report by the UCL-Lancet Commission on Migration and Health, with particular emphasis on dispelling myths and misconceptions about migrants in the context of health.


在2018年12月11日,星期二,特朗普总统公开辩称with the Democratic leaders of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, Chuck Schummer and Nancy Pelosi, about the upcoming federal funding appropriations, demanding that it includes $5 billion funding for a physical wall along the Mexican border, vowing the shut down the federal government if the Democrats do no concede to his demands. This border wall is an embodiment of the anti-immigrant,民族主义通过2016年特朗普总统的竞选活动和选举,言论在美国卷土重来。在过去的十年左右的时间里,类似的情绪在世界其他许多地方都发生了巴西英国澳大利亚

不幸的是,关于政治家传播的移民的神话,误解和偏见,其中一些与接受移民所带来的经济和健康风险和成本有关。在所有这些言论中,一群研究人员(社会学家,公共卫生,法律和政策专家以及人类学家)伦敦大学学院, 由...领着易卜拉欣·阿布巴卡(Ibrahim Abubakar), established a移民与健康委员会为了为这些有争议的问题提供可靠的证据基础,并为未来提出建议,以保护移民人口的健康。他们工作了两年42-page report还有许多关于该主题的评论和材料,以及全球死亡率的荟萃分析高收入国家和其他主题的国际移民。我只是短暂地划伤了他们的承诺表面,但感觉就像我已经学到了很多东西,我将在下面分享。

So what did they find in terms of these misconceptions? Basically, they found all of them to be unfunded. Let’s see them one by one:

  1. 现在的移民比以前更多吗?
    在看新闻时,情况似乎就是这样,但这当然不是事实。尽管地球上有10亿人可以根据上述定义被归类为移民,但大多数人是内部移民,他们在本国(例如乡村到城市)。2017年,国际移民的百分比仅为3.4%,而30年来的变化很小。这些国际移民中的大多数从一个低至中等收入国家(LMIC)转移到另一个类似国家,例如在南美洲或亚洲,仅为7.6-13.4%,从LMIC到高收入国家(HIC)。人们出于许多不同的原因迁移,有些人加入家庭,有些是为了劳动或更好的机会(经济移民)。高收入国家的许多国际移民都在那里学习和付费,或者为当地经济做出贡献。但是,当今有20亿人生活在世界各地,发生冲突,内乱或暴力行为,这可能会促使数百万人在短时间内迁移,例如2015年数百万的叙利亚难民。Anthropogenic climate changeis already causing many people to migrate as part of their adaptation to changing conditions, and some argue that the叙利亚冲突was also climate related.
  2. 移民是包括医疗保健在内的政府服务负担吗?Macroeconomic analysis移民对其东道国经济的影响得出的结论是,他们具有净积极作用。这健康-care workforce在许多高收入国家中,都在很大程度上依赖移民工人,并从低到中等收入国家的大脑收益中受益。例如,37%的医生在英国,在国外获得了医学学位,并搬到英国以更多的钱,更好的工作条件,更少的工作时间表以及更多的专业进步机会。移民还在儿童保育中心,教育和人手不足的服务中工作,例如家庭和专业清洁服务。此外,移民工人对于在农业中获得足够的劳动也至关重要,例如orchard in the Pacific Northwest。系统评价和荟萃分析completed by the authors also found that international migrants who chose to migrate to high-income counties tended to live longer than the host population where they moved to (termed the健康的移民效应), and healthier, and therefore costs even less than the residents.
  3. 移民的孩子比居民人口多,他们能否超越和替换他们?
    可用证据shows that migrants have lower first-birth rates (fewer children) than resident women. In addition, migrants reproduce at a level barely above the population replacement rate of 2.1 births per woman, and are often falling. Therefore, it is unlikely that migrants would outcompete residents.
  4. 移民是否耗尽了东道国的经济体,是否提供足够的税款来支付其利益?
    Similar to Question #2, migrants provide a substantial economic benefit, contributing more in taxes than using in terms of benefits. In advanced economies,移民每增加1%会导致人均GDP增加2%。Within the EU, the自由运动of workers was successful in fixing the imbalance in the labor market by redistributing them to where they were needed. Finally, migrants send vast amounts ofremittance到ir families, e.g. $613 billion just in 2017, three quarters of which went to low-to-middle-income countries. This was 3 times the amount sent to these countries as official development assistance by governments of high-income countries. For some countries, these remittances constituted up to 1/3 of their annual GDP.
  5. 移民会带来对居民人口构成风险的传染病?
    尽管有许多历史例子,这些传染病已被移民运送到新人群中(例如smallpox在发现美洲时,可用的证据表明,从移民到居民人口的传染病传播非常低。A学习conducted on tuberculosis found that transmission was increased in migrant but not resident populations. Countries vary widely on their vaccine requirements, but immigration procedures in many high-income countries require additional vaccinations, to the point where migrant receive many more vaccines than residents. International spread of infectious diseases does not rely on migrants, as both tourism, business travel and transportation provides ample opportunities to transport infectious agents. Despite these facts, migrants are portrayed as responsible to spread communicable diseases, such as by theFox Nation host Tomi Lahren彼得·霍特兹(Peter Hotez),德克萨斯州贝勒医学院的热带医学国家学校院长回应她提到他的书“蓝色大理石健康”由于贫困,气候变化和拒绝疫苗

While the systematic review and the meta-analysis did find that international migrants in high-income countries have reduced mortality, there are many adverse health effects of migration. The act of migration is itselfdangerousas well as costly, especially for undocumented and illegal migrants from areas of conflict and violence. Migration also changes the风险概况在移民中,他们要么符合居民人口,要么就习惯,饮食和生活方式而言,这可能会导致移民的健康状况更糟。例如,欧洲的移民人口有一个increased risk围产期死亡率,早产,低出生体重和先天性畸形。其中另一个问题是心理健康。持续的不可预测性和未来的不可控制性,再加上对驱逐出境,歧视和有针对性的谴责,可能会导致profound mental health consequences,以及无法获得医疗保健和其他服务。这可以economic consequencesat the societal level, such as in Australia that lost 3% of GDP over 2001-2011 as a result of individuals experiencing some form of racial discrimination.

这authors emphasize that migrants, just as all other human beings, are equally entitled touniversal human rights没有歧视,including to the right to the highest attainable standard of health, equal access to preventative, curative and palliative health care, in addition to the underlying social, political, economic and cultural determinants of physical and mental health, such as clean water and air and non-discriminatory treatment. These rights and obligations are obviously not being met sufficiently for migrants currently. The authors have concrete suggestions to improve leadership and accountability, such as the UN appointing a Special Envoy on Migration and Health, and for national governments to have a country-level focal point, enabling much needed coordination and inclusion. They also propose to establish a Global Migration and Health Observatory to develop evidence-based migration and health indicators to ensure better reporting, transparency and accountability on the implementation of theGlobal Compact for Migrationand theGlobal Compact on Refugees。他们还建议卫生代表应参与有关移民的高水平政策制定。种族主义和偏见应面临零容忍的方法,就像彼得·霍特兹(Peter Hotez)博士如此清楚地证明一样。最后,需要向移民人群提供通用和公平的卫生服务以及所有决定因素。

我找到了移民与健康委员会要非常有用,即使我只能在此博客文章中刮擦这个广泛的话题的表面。作者还提供了videosand互动材料沟通的主要信息,特别是有关dispelling the myths numbered above. I do hope that their recommendations will be headed and the evidence they collected will be widely distributed and help dispel these misconceptions and prejudices. A citizenship aware of these facts on migration are harder to be misled by the ‘fake news’ and the propaganda aimed to exploit their feelings for political gain.

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Yes, many illegal immigrants do take American citizens jobs, they receive free healthcare and free higher education, something American citizens pay for and will pay thousands for just one in a single year! Most citizens come out of college with student loans exceeding $25,000-$50,000+ in student loans, something that may take up to 20 years to pay off, however, American citizens usually are employed in the U.S. putting money back into the U.S. economy! Most immigrants come out of college without any student loans and some will move back to their home country and it will go back to their home country’s economy!
Much of your study doesn’t pertain to the U.S. at all, and I’m sure you didn’t ask any American citizens how we feel, it’s not that we’re trying to discriminate against anyone, however, there is a feeling of resentment, and understandably when because illegal immigrants are getting everything for free and the American citizens pay for them with higher taxes, rising healthcare costs, and higher costs in education!
We feel the U.S. has serious domestic and financial issues that need to be addressed within prior to taking more immigrants that will cost this country more financially only adding to the deficit!
We just had large corporations that employed a large workforce shut down in the U.S. and from what they’re predicting we have a major recession coming and need to make preparations for it prior to accepting more immigrants that would be taking citizens jobs or in the very least there should be a cap of immigrants until some issues are dealt with!
Please, as a citizen let me educate you on what we are exposed to on a daily basis! Notice I’m using the word “Citizen” not “white person”, or “legal immigrant”, the U.S. is a melting pot made up of practically every nationality in the world, black, white, yellow, purple, etc. and Americans are proud of that!
1) President Trump did NOT spread anti-immigration rhetoric, he is listening and responding to what American citizens are asking of him regarding the serious illegal immigrant problem and securing our borders! We are exposed to the serious issues this country has every day, & I would hope that research studies and journalists claiming to speak for the citizens would at least start asking the citizens!
2) We’re dog-tired of: A. “Illegal Immigrants” breaking into our country living under the radar and after a period expecting we accept them as U.S. citizens, if they started here illegally they should go through every process legal immigrants go through, B. Female illegal immigrants or married illegal immigrants birthing a child immediately after arriving in the U.S. as a way to being accepted as U.S. citizens, if they started here illegally they should go through every process legal immigrants go through, C. Illegal immigrants demanding and/or expecting “free” money, housing, food, education, top-notch healthcare, and other public assistance when our own hard-working citizens are unable to obtain this! If they refuse to work &/or break the law then they should be sent home!!
3) We have homeless Veterans living on the streets in poverty that aren’t getting the assistance owed to them, these are men & women who fought for our country & democracy that are dying of starvation, exposure to the elements from lack of housing, & disease that can be cured easily if given proper healthcare! We also have other citizens living below the poverty line with the same issues as our Veterans! We need to take care of our own prior to taking care of more immigrants!
这se are just the top 3 I thought of, although there are many!! We’re NOT talking about refugees who need a home due to their own ravaged by war, political &/or religious persecution, or ethnic cleansing/genocide and have absolutely nothing, I’d be the first to open borders and give people what they need! Americans are VERY compassionate people! Many who come here are not dealing with issues of a war-torn country, they want the “All American Dream”, however, this really doesn’t exist today as it once did, we NEED to take care of our own citizens, and the country’s we’re speaking of need to care for theirs, otherwise we’ll be breaking into those countries!!
