Mosquito bites – more than just annoying

Mosquito bites cause an immune response that unwittingly enhances the establishment of mosquito-transmitted diseases.



这些病毒大多数共同的一件事是,它们是由有限数量的艾德斯蚊子物种,特别是Ae。白化病andAe。aegypti。These mosquitoes are rapidly increasing their territories due to气候变化和全球化,,,,facilitating the large outbreaks of viruses such as chikungunya and Zika we’ve seen in the past decade.


Clive McKimmie, Marieke Pingen and Steven Bryden. Leeds University
Clive McKimmie, Marieke Pingen and Steven Bryden. Leeds University

My colleagues and I at the University of Leeds have just我们调查的已发表结果进入这种有趣的观察的基础机制。

Our model system



We found that the rapid, local immune response to the mosquito bites is actually beneficial for the virus. An oedematous bump, well known to occur after a mosquito bite, retains virus in the skin. Here, a strong innate immune response is orchestrated to fix the damage caused by the mosquito bite. However, unwittingly this immune response also results in giving the virus an early and powerful advantage.


史蒂文·布莱登(S​​teven Bryden)的图形
史蒂文·布莱登(S​​teven Bryden)的图形





我们认为这种早期和局部免疫反应可能为我们提供了预防疾病的有用目标。因此,我们通过靶向该局部免疫反应的一个成分之一,即有效的促炎分子,测试了这一想法。IL-1ß,,,,by pre-treating the mice with a blocker that prevents activation of IL-1ß.

We were able to reduce the bite enhancement effect and improve disease outcome by inhibiting the inflammatory response that occurs at the bite site.

A potential future clinical application of these findings

Our current research focuses on improving our understanding of early events in the bitten skin and what aspects of mosquito bites impact local inflammation. In addition, we are testing ways to modulate this early immune response to improve disease outcome.

因为这些病毒主要是通过刺激性传播的Ae。白化病andAe。aegypti,,,,it is likely you would notice that you have been bitten within a few hours. This could provide a time window that is long enough to modulate the early immune response, for instance by applying a cream. Although it is best not to get bitten at all, we hope that applying anti-inflammatory cream onto mosquito bites could prevent bite-enhancement and thus reduce disease caused by many different viruses.

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Kuldeep Sharma

The best way to prevent mosquito is to install nets. Using

repellent is very harmful for human beings. You can also use

portable nets when you are travelling.
