
乔安妮·爱德华兹(Joanne Edwards)教授是沃尔森·沃尔(Wolfson Wohl)癌症研究中心转化癌症病理小组的负责人。她的专业知识是开发用于个性化患者护理的生物标志物,并建立了独特的患者组织队列,并在包括结直肠癌,乳腺癌和前列腺癌在内的广度上具有广泛的临床数据。Notably, her work led to her election as a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists in 2012 and her aim continues to be identification of clinically relevant aberrations in the human solid tumours and establish if they can be employed in clinical practise to improve patient care and结果。乔安妮(Joanne)是BMC癌
