
传统的影响评估倾向于衡量预先指定的结果的变化。假设有10个人参加了自行车培训课程;传统的影响评估可能会衡量预期的结果,例如在课程的开始和结束时人们对骑自行车的信心。但是,如果有几个人继续建立自行车俱乐部或开始游说他们居住的安全道路,会发生什么呢?这只是两个意外影响的例子,可能会带来进一步的社会利益或更可持续的影响。那么,我们不应该找到一种以有意义的方式捕获干预措施的更广泛影响的方法吗?在过去的几年中,布里斯托尔大学的詹姆斯·诺布尔博士和布拉德福德健康研究所的詹妮弗·霍尔博士改编了一种称为“ Ripple效果映射”的方法来做到这一点。

A participatory method

Ripple Effects Mapping, or REM, is a participatory and qualitative form of impact evaluation. When we learned of this method, we thought that it would be invaluable in helping understand some of the complex public health interventions we were evaluating – particularly the elements that were deemed hard-to-measure. However, to make it more suited to our needs, we adapted it further. It is this adapted method that we talk more about here.




第二和第三部分s也许是最重要的。组成4-6人的小组,要求小组开始写下并讨论他们参与了什么以及影响了什么。他们在Flip Chart纸上捕获了此中心的时间表(例如,图1)。主持人可以通过提出探测问题来指导参与者进行活动。他们还确保每个人都有平等的机会为活动做出贡献。

One of the adaptations we made was that REM is viewed as both a retrospective and prospective method. In the workshops, participants can map their activities and impacts over the previous 3-6 months, and they can also anticipate what they envisage will happen over the next 3-6 months. Follow up workshops can then be carried out 3-6 months later where they revisit the previous REM outputs and ask, “Did what we think was going to happen, happen?” We also recommend that the first REM workshop is delivered in the first 3-6 months of their work.

第四部分is a reflective one. Now that activities and impacts are visualised, the facilitator can ask participants to reflect on what they deem to be the most significant and why. But often, a more interesting conversation happens around the least significant impacts. Where did they invest time and energy which didn’t lead to anything meaningful? Why did this happen? What could be done in the future to minimise this happening again? Were other factors at play which prevented their work being impactful? Some of this can also be added to the map, or it could be audio-recorded and analysed later.



Further information

Within thepaper还有我们的supplementary online training,,,,we provide further details on how to apply the method, the circumstances in which it may be useful, and perhaps most importantly, we encourage others to adapt the method to meet their own needs. Hopefully, this method, and future iterations of it, offer one means of capturing the realities of efforts to improve public health.

Figure 1: Example REM map

