They’ve come a long way – to be confronted with an even longer licensure process in Germany: Syrian doctors in Germany

Germany, like many other regions around the world, relies on international doctors to supplement its locally trained medical staff and support their health care system. However, Syrian doctors who have immigrated to Germany have reported being confronted with a convoluted and difficult application process to obtain their medical licenses. Professor Julika Loss and colleagues, from the University of Regensburg, interviewed Syrian doctors, who had immigrated to Germany, to report on their experience of the medical license application system. In this blog, Professor Loss tells us more about theirstudy,本周出版BMC卫生服务研究

目前,成千上万的叙利亚战争难民被困在土耳其和希腊之间,或在希腊岛屿上处于令人遗憾和戏剧性的条件下[1]。这部戏痛苦地提醒我们,叙利亚的冲突仍然是移民的最大驱动力。自2015年以来,成千上万的叙利亚移民进入了欧洲。叙利亚人现在是德国有外国国籍的第三大人群,在叙利亚移民中,有许多受过良好教育和训练有素的医疗保健专业人员,例如约3,000-4,000名医生[2]。Not all of them have fled their country as refugees; many have been granted visas, as Germany is principally welcoming Syrian doctors.



The reason is simple: In Germany, a relative shortage of physicians has developed over the recent years. A change in working time regulations and a growing demand for part-time jobs, has increased the need for additional doctors. Like many other developed countries, Germany relies on international medical graduates or doctors to supplement its locally trained staff so as to maintain their health care system. Further, as the number of Syrian migrants increases, so does the number of Syrian patients being treated in hospitals and doctors’ offices, resulting in a novel need for Arabic-speaking medical staff. Therefore, Syrian doctors are able to fulfill a double function.

鉴于此背景,使叙利亚移民医生的许可程序尽可能直接而迅速,在相关过程中积极支持和建议申请人似乎至关重要。但是实际上,获得允许在德国执业的永久许可的行为是繁重的,冗长的,可以带来许多负面经历。这些可能包括屈辱,缺乏透明度,任意性和无助感。这是20位叙利亚医生在我们2016 - 2017年进行的访谈研究中告诉我们的。




Being lost in an opaque and arbitrary bureaucratic process: that’s what it feels like being a Syrian doctor applying for a medical license in Germany


We found that upon arrival in Germany, Syrian doctors are highly motivated to apply their skills and expertise in clinical patient care. However, they are confronted with a time-consuming, ever-changing and non-transparent application procedure lasting months, even years.


受访者描述了一个Kafkaesque制度,他们对要求荒谬和不可能成就的政府雇员和审稿人感到束缚,拒绝提供信息并随机采取行动。这在另一个采访伙伴的报价中显示:“There are no clear steps. You can have two [Syrian] doctors who studied at the same university, finished their studies in the same year, – and then one of them can obtain the approbation without any exam, and the other one will need to take another exam. At the end of the day, only one person makes the decision about you. …And of course, we cannot meet this person or talk with them. We don’t even know their name.”

Admin work

因此,The interviewees reported feeling depressed, irritated or even in despair. As informational and practical support from official institutions was scarce, the Syrian doctors relied on personal networks and peers to understand the requirements and find a job.


为了获得对许可过程和所涉及的互动的平衡观点,未来的研究也应探讨德国医师或工作中心会议厅的行政人员的观点。自然,这些监管机构没有为申请许可证的大量移民医生做好准备,并且对许可程序数量的突然增加感到惊讶。记者报告说,批准叙利亚文凭可能很困难,因为在某些情况下,已提供欺诈文件[3,4]。For the medical profession, in particular, credentials and certificates should be checked thoroughly and carefully. Nevertheless, Germany may learn from other countries such as Canada, Australia, or New Zealand, which have harmonized and simplified assessment procedures for overseas-trained doctors, and implemented specific resources guiding and supporting foreign health professionals in different stages of their application process[5,6]

欢迎德国的叙利亚医生比以往任何时候都重要 - 尤其是因为目前的Covid-19大流行强调了医院熟练的医务人员的迫切需求。尽管德国当局声称正在努力寻找尽可能多的帮助手来应对即将到来的医疗保健专业人员的短缺,但没有迹象表明外国医生的认证过程(其中包括叙利亚医生)可能会加速或加速或以更务实的方式处理[7]



[2] Bundesaerztekammer(德国医师会议厅)。Aerztestatistik Zum 31. 2018年Dezember,Bundesgebiet Gesamt。2019年德国柏林Bundesaerztekammer,下载月15日Th,2020年。

[3] Hinz L. Innenministium Warnt - falsche Zeugnisse和外交书:FlüchtlingeKommen Mit Gekauften“ Antragspaketen”Ministry of the Interior warns – False certificates and diplomas: Refugees come with purchased “application packages“]. FOCUS online, Nov 6th, 2011. Downloaded from年4月15日。

[4] Eddy MS, Karam. Doctors fleeing Syria for Germany find Refuge, hurdles and delays. In: The New York Times. Sep 8th, 2018.

[5] McLean R,Bennett J.全国对国际医学毕业生的一致评估。Med J Aust。2008年4月21日; 188(8):464-8。

[6] Covell CL,Neiterman E,Bourgeault IL。关于国际教育卫生专业人员的专业融合的范围审查。人力资源用于健康。2016; 14(1):38-。doi:10.1186/s12960-016-0135-6。

[7]骑士B.尽管冠状病毒,外国医生仍在努力获得德国认可的学位。Deutsche Welle 2020年3月31日。年4月15日

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