BMC儿科在tends Pediatric Academic Societies 2022

This year BMC Pediatrics traveled to Denver, Colorado to attend PAS 2022. PAS is an internationally renowned conference where Clinician, researchers, physician scientists and educators travel thousands of miles to share their research, develop new ideas, network with colleagues and build relationships for collaboration. As a result, the conference attracts up to 7,600 attendees and in 2022 presented hundreds of specialist talks and over 2,800 individual poster presentations.

In this blog Editor Oliver Cocks of BMC Pediatrics will be sharing his and our Editorial Board Members conference highlights and discussing future directions for the journal for the remainder of 2022 and 2023.

Editor Highlights PAS 2022:


It was a privilege to attend PAS 2022 this year. It was invaluable to be able to connect with our community face to face and meet our esteemed

Editorial Board Members throughout the weekend. The caliber of research presented was truly staggering and I was very pleased to see and meet several of our authors whom presented their work at PAS. A personal highlight was listening to our author Prof. Samir Gupta present his latest Randomized Clinical Trial for which their Study Protocol was published with us at BMC Pediatrics entitled “baby-OSCAR trial: Outcome after Selective early treatment for Closure of patent ductus ARteriosus in preterm babies, a multicentre, masked, randomised placebo-controlled parallel group trial”。众所周知,随机临床试验s in any field are notoriously difficult to plan, fund and conduct and so it was a pleasure to have the opportunity to consider their excellent study protocol at the journal and hear about their subsequent results at PAS 2022.


An additional highlight was getting to meet some of our Editorial Board Members. Many of these were also attending PAS to present their research or lead subject specific sessions as experts in their field. I’d like to say a huge thank you to Dr. Folafoluwa Odetola, Dr. Ju Lee Oei, Prof. Maria Fernanda Almeida, Dr. Sherry Courtney, Prof. Rita Silveira, Dr. Jeffrey Shenberger, Prof. Vineet Bhandari and Prof. Ruth Guinsburg for meeting me at PAS. I hope you enjoyed our discussions as much as I.



the best place for our authors to publish possible. As a result, the journal will be driving growth via the introduction of high impact collections. These are collections hosted by subject expert Guest Editors and will cover topics within Pediatrics of significant interest to our community. If you have a collection idea you would like to see the journal consider please complete the formhere。BMC儿科is also looking to expand the size of our Editorial Board. If you are interested in joining, pleaseapply here

Editorial Board Member Highlights:

新内容项pROF。Rita C Silveira MD博士

Full Professor of Pediatrics. UFRGS (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul). Head of Neonatal Section. HCPA (Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre)

“不成熟的控制对幼儿的呼吸发病率的贡献是PAS 2022的亮点之一,值得评论。

In the last years the incidence of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) has been progressively high, and it may be due in part to immature ventilatory control, contributing to hypoxemia. The Prematurity Related Ventilatory Control (PreVent Study) aim to elucidate individualized cardiopulmonary phenotypes and mechanisms of ventilatory control contributing to adverse respiratory outcomes in premature infants using different biomarkers to predict respiratory outcomes: Physiologic providing results from the PreVent Study focused on the natural history of disordered respiratory control in preterms and long term morbidities; clinical characterizing the relationship between apnea, bradycardia and hypoxemic episodes as predictive parameters for later respiratory morbidities in this cohort study. The longitudinal disease burden to that time point were: 7, 14, 28 days and 32 wPMA. IH (desaturation threshold Sp02 < 90%; IH <90) average duration of each episode is a major physiologic predictor at all evaluated time points; AUC of 0.74 at day 7; increasing to 0.81 by day 28 and 0.84 by 32SW PMA. So, respiratory morbidity in former premies is not just BPD and clinical and physiological parameters, as periodic breathing, desaturations episodes, bradycardia, apnea, are early predictors. Clinicians need to pay attention to bedside data: Continuous ECG, heart rate, respiratory, and oxygen saturation.”

新内容项Folafoluwa Odetola博士MB CHB,M.P.H

密歇根大学儿科学系重症监护医学和卫生服务研究副教授。He provides care to critically ill children within the pediatric intensive care unit at Mott Children’s Hospital and his research interests focus on the optimization of health care delivery to critically ill and injured children through bridging the gap between evidence and practice, in-depth evaluation of the processes of care, and rigorous assessment of patient outcomes.

“The highlight for me during the recently concluded PAS 2022 meetings was a workshop entitled: Critical Race Theory in Medicine: Origins, Applications, & Future Translation to Education, Clinical Practice, & Research

该研讨会令人大开眼界,信息丰富。我了解了将批判种族理论的融合 - 一种增强对社会中种族主义,不公正和不平等的起源和过程的理解的框架,将是医学教育领域,这将是一个非常强大而不可思议的恩赐。解决健康不平等,种族主义和医学不公正的原因。


新内容项Sherry Courtney博士

professor of neonatology and experienced clinical trial researcher. She is currently a Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, where she is the Director of Clinical Research for Neonatology.

“演讲是真的激发了我的兴趣presented by Dr. Colm Travers of the University of Alabama. This was a study of permissive hypercapnia in preterm infants >7days of age but as young as 22 weeks’ gestation. Infants were randomized to PCO2 of 40-55 vs 60-75. Infants in the higher PCO2 group had more alive ventilator-free days with no apparent increase in morbidity. The study was relatively small and many questions remain, but the concept is intriguing and definitely requires further study.”

新内容项Jeffrey Shenberger博士

Chief of Neonatology; Vice Chair of Research, Professor of Pediatrics, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Centers for Research on Substance Use and Addiction and Redox Biology and Medicine

“ 1)Rachana Singh的演讲“新生儿阿片类药物戒断综合征的短期成果(NOWS) - 对两种方法的比较”这项马萨诸塞州Qi Qi倡议发现,Eat,Sleep and Sleep and Sleep and Sleep and Console and Sectified Finnegan得分会产生同样的住宿时间,同样的住宿时间,阿片类药物的替代使用或治疗时间。影响短期结局的主要因素是舒适的,皮肤护理和母乳提供。


新内容项露丝·吉恩斯堡(Ruth Guinsburg)教授,博士

Graduation in Medicine at Escola Paulista de Medicina, Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil in 1982; Pediatric Residence in the same institution in 1984; Neonatal Fellowship at North Shore Hospital, Cornell Medical College, NY, USA in 1991; PhD in Pediatrics and Sciences Applied to Pediatrics in 1993. Full Professor of the Division of Neonatal Medicine at the Department of Pediatrics at the Federal University of São Paulo since 2007. Co-chair of the Neonatal Resuscitation Program of the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics since 2006. Scientific co-chair of the Brazilian Neonatal Research Network since 2016.

“ PAS会议始终是更新知识并结识多年来成为朋友的国际同行的绝佳机会。在这种情况下,今年特别好。我的身份证标签上有很多绿色的按钮,作为一个好巴西人,我可以拥抱和亲吻很多我在过去两年中“放大”的朋友。在“会议”方面,最好参加会议,倾听和看演讲者而不是在家中,并不断被与会议无关的数千个日常问题分散注意力。作为其中一项亮点,我想指出Heresh Kirpalani博士的会议,当时他获得了Avery奖。他的会议是基于证据医学的好处以及临床试验最佳方法论的重要性的一个很好的论点。无论是试验的结果(无论是否确认我们的假设),它们都有助于促进该领域的知识。同样,基尔帕拉尼博士的会议的情感结局是一个雄辩的信号,即知识的进步永远不会由一个人独自实现,而是它们是在我们整个职业生涯中建立牢固关系的结果。

