Termis-Europe主席Heinz Redl的主席采访

BMC Biomedical Engineeringrecently attended the2018 TERMIS World Congress,我们有幸见面的地方教授啊z Redl, the Chair for末日-Europe和a renowned thought leader in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. In this interview, Prof Redl shares his insights on末日,他的研究理念和亮点以及他最近的书series由...出版Springer.


With more than 4000 active members worldwide, TERMIS is the most prominent society in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. It values the idea of interdisciplinary collaboration – it is not focused on only biomaterials or cells or surgical procedures, but has a profound translational character. This helps to achieve its main directive: bringing research into clinics so patients can benefit from it.

How are you implementing this translational character in your research projects?

AsLBI创伤, we are part of a broad spectrum of projects in the field of regenerative medicine. Among the 90 people working at the institute there are chemists, biochemists, physicians, veterinarians, physicists, biomedical and electrical engineers – it allows us to get a full view on any research question and its possible solutions. As central trauma research organization of the Austrian Workers’ Compensation Boardauva与奥地利创伤诊所进行了密切合作。项目针对当前的临床需求 - 我们甚至通过开放科学方法寻找新的研究问题 - 新发现尽快进入诊所。


At the moment we have many novel approaches for scaffold materials. Silk for example, is treated with a new method to deplete its immunoreactive sericin layer but leave the exceptional stability of its fibroin core intake. We use it to form conduits to bridge peripheral nerve defects or as anterior crucial ligament replacement, with excellent results. On the cartilage sector we found a way to make decellularized articular cartilage accessible to cells via laser engraving. The institute also has a strong intensive care research section which is a major player in sepsis research worldwide.


Prof Redl presenting his book at the Springer Nature booth, TERMIS 2018


TheTissue Engineering and Regeneration参考系列旨在成为该领域的首要科学和可更新信息源。这些书涵盖了组织再生的生物学基础,以及特定组织和器官组织工程的最新目前。我们的顾问委员会包含组织再生研究的谁,我们总是为新的投入和合作而开放。

I always like to quote ‘Art is I, Science is We’


It is important for me to highlight that this is a joint project of TERMIS and Springer. The TERMIS community made this project possible by giving valuable scientific contributions and input. Springer kindly agreed to my proposal of making the books freely accessible for TERMIS members, as I felt like we cannot charge them for accessing what is in fact the work of all of us. I always like to quote “Art is I, Science is We”.

Heinz Redl教授是路德维希·鲍尔茨曼(Ludwig Boltzmann用于化学工程。他是/曾是几个社会的成员/官员,例如Termis,ESS主席和编辑委员会(例如组织工程,组织工程杂志,纸巾工程杂志,再生医学,欧洲创伤和紧急手术杂志,Shock,Shock,Europer Cell and Material Journal),创伤护理公司的创始人和多家公司的顾问涵盖FDA和EMA的产品注册。

He has also organized many conferences including the world congress in tissue engineering TERMIS 2012 and workshops. His expertise includes: Experience in different fields of tissue regeneration, co-developer of the fibrin sealant system (>30 years), developer of surgical devices in current clinical use and many collaborative projects with major industry partners. Prof Redl has over 380 Medline cited papers and over 10 patents. He has also participated in several European Commission projects including Expertissues, Angioscaff, Biodesign, IMCOSS, UGEN.

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