International Women’s Day


International Women’s Day是确保性别平等所需的变化的时期,以提高人们对存在不平等的认识,并庆祝克服障碍的妇女的成就。#BeboldForChange列出的动作点之一是应对针对妇女的暴力行为。基于性别的暴力通常分为两类相互联系的类别:人际关系和结构/制度。从广义上讲,人际暴力是指某人(即伴侣或非伴侣)对他人犯下的暴力行为,例如身体,心理和性暴力。据估计全球35%的女性have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or sexual violence by a non-partner at some point in their lifetime. It has also been found that globally, around38%的妇女被谋杀在男性亲密伴侣的手中。

© Tiko / Fotolia
© Tiko / Fotolia

Structural/ institutional violence refers to systematic ways in which social structures harm or otherwise puts individuals at a disadvantage. It is the violence of injustice and inequity. These structures are violent because they result in avoidable deaths, illness and injury. By being built into the fabric of society (i.e. political and economic organization of our social world) it造成并保持不平等within and between different social groups, and also among ethnic-cultural or other minority groups. Structural violence创造障碍and prevents people from accessing the resources needed to develop their full human potential and also threatens the achievement of the千年发展目标(MDG)which are a set of targets for improving the lives of the world’s poorest people.

Violence against women is a significant public health issue and a violation of human rights. It can have negative impacts on a woman’s physical, mental, sexual and reproductive health. It has been报告患有伴侣的身体或性虐待的女性患有低出生体重的婴儿的可能性高16%,堕胎的可能性是两倍以上,容易获得HIV的1.5倍,几乎是经历的两倍。沮丧。

Thematic Series: The Role of Structural and Interpersonal Violence in the Lives of Women

Image by Flickr user Michelle Carl (CC By 2.0)
Image by Flickr user Michelle Carl (CC By 2.0)

This is a cross-journal thematic series running inBMC怀孕和分娩andBMC妇女健康。本文收集的目的是建立对妇女的结构性和人际暴力的深入了解,探索其流行,发病率和可能的风险因素,以及确定对解决各种形式暴力侵害的结构性不平等的政策反应。显然需要增加各个领域的努力,以应对和防止暴力发生,并为那些在这种情况下受害者的人提供必要的支持和服务。通过研究,获取数据和信息,可以告知决策和政策以解决,减少并最终终止对妇女的暴力行为。毕竟,平等和没有暴力的生命是每个人的基本人权。

该文章集合目前开放供提交。可以通过其主页访问该系列的一部分的已发表论文(请click here)。

The following are a few of the recent research published inBMC怀孕和分娩andBMC妇女健康which form part of the cross-journal article collection.

Editorial :结构性和人际暴力在妇女生活中的作用:预防基于性别的暴力的概念转变


Domestic violence among antenatal attendees in a Kathmandu hospital and its associated factors: a cross-sectional study

Prevalence and incidence of domestic violence during pregnancy and associated risk factors: a longitudinal cohort study in the south of Sweden

Kikiskawâwasow - 产前医疗保健提供者对原住民有效护理妇女的看法:基于民族志群社区的参与性研究

Predictors of a negative labour and birth experience based on a national survey of Canadian women

亲密伴侣暴力和心理健康,a cross-sectional study in a pregnant population



A qualitative study exploring midlife women’s stages of change from domestic violence towards freedom

Experience of intimate partner violence among young pregnant women in urban slums of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal: a qualitative study

Women’s approval of domestic physical violence against wives: analysis of the Ghana demographic and health survey

Mapping the role of structural and interpersonal violence in the lives of women: implications for public health interventions and policy



