
已显示脂肪质量和肥胖症相关(FTO)基因的变体与肥胖有关。在这里,Shane Heffernan和Alun Williams描述他们的研究进入FTO遗传变异也可以对骨骼肌产生影响,以及有人是否可能成为一名精英运动员。

肥胖是全球最大的健康问题之一,逐步恶化。事实上,一般成年人人口每十年获得〜1.5公斤,如果这一趋势继续,global obesity prevalence is estimated to reach ~20% by 2025


This epidemic has generated a lot of scientific interest in many disciplines including genetics, within which the Fat Mass and Obesity Associated (FTO) gene is the most investigated gene in obesity science because of its prevailing association with excess body mass, fat mass and BMI in clinical populations. The minor ‘risk’ version (A allele) of the gene is associated with elevations in parameters related to obesity (cardiovascular disease, higher BMI and body fat, etc.) and the more common version (T allele) is protective against these obesity-related health problems. Currently, we do not fully understand the mechanism behind the FTO association with these differences in obesity-related parameters, but it is likely that there are FTO-related inter-individual differences in appetite, dietary energy intake and thus greater accumulation of body fat. But what if there was something else happening in metabolically active tissues?


FTO genotype data of athletes and controls. a Recessive model. Grey bars are T allele carriers, black bars are AA genotypes. b Allele frequency for selected subgroups. Grey bars represent the T allele, black bars represent the A allele (Fig 1, Heffernan et al)

我们首先测量了肌肉表型,包括瘦肿块,在120名健康男性中,发现肥胖 - 保护性T等位基因与更大的全身,臂和腿部瘦肿块有关。该观察结果对肌肉植物和其他肌肉浪费障碍等条件有影响,并且应该针对可能的遗传易感性或对这些条件的抵抗来研究。

FTO后与精益质量,实效izing a case-control study design, we investigated if FTO variation differed between elite rugby playing positions, specifically those where lean mass relative to total body mass is vital for elite success. As such, in a group of 530 elite rugby athletes and 566 controls (the RugbyGene project), our results show that indeed those elite athletes most reliant on lean mass relative to body mass (centers and back 3 players) have a greater frequency of the protective FTO T allele. In fact, those rugby union athletes with the ‘protective’ version of FTO have more than three times the odds of being a center or back 3 player than any other playing position. Furthermore, the risk A allele (associated with greater body mass) showed the highest frequency in those athletes that require greater body mass to achieve elite rugby status (forwards).


我们有以前报道过that another genetic variant associated with muscle performance (the ACTN3 gene) also differs in allele frequency between elite rugby playing positions. Together with our currentBMC遗传学paper, it is becoming clear that genetics plays a key role in elite rugby. As the RugbyGene project continues we expect to identify many more genetic variants that are important to rugby performance, physiology and injury risk, through both case-control and phenotype-association approaches.

