Replication and reproducibility in psychology: The debate continues

皇家学会in London was recently host to心理学的复制和可重复性。该活动由英国心理学会, 这实验心理学协会心理学部长协会,这是一场积极而乐观的下午的辩论,这是越来越多的证据引起的,这突显了复制发表的心理发现的困难。

At the end of May,BMC心理学在tendedReplication and reproducibility in psychologyBMC心理学是对BMC系列投资组合,然后遵循成功发布in February 2013, is building momentum and on its way to be becoming one of a handful of established open access psychology journals, and the only one to use open peer review.

Psychology and the reproducibility crisis


担心科学的结果通常不可再现,这绝不限于心理学领域。担心心理学缺乏复制,没有任何关于问题规模的证据,导致Brian Nosek和同事推出Reproducibility project在2011年。去年开放科学合作published the results这项大规模合作的努力,以估计心理科学的可重复性。该项目(进行了三本心理学期刊上发表的100项研究的复制)报告说,尽管在100项研究中,有97个最初报告了统计学上显着的结果,但只有36%的复制能够做到这一点,平均效应大小约为一半。在原始研究中。此后,其他项目试图解决同一问题,复制率在各个项目之间有很大差异(在这里阅读更多)。

So should we despair at these findings? Or take this as an opportunity to help overcome the challenges of low reproducibility? Such was the topic of the #PsycDebate, which drew an audience of psychologists, students and researchers to the replication and reproducibility in psychology event.

The publication of that Science paper is revolutionary for our discipline

辩论是由达里尔·奥康纳(Daryl O’Connor)((Leeds University) who suggested that “The publication of that Science paper is revolutionary for our discipline, it offers an opportunity to propel ourselves forward, to do things that other disciplines aren’t doing, and ultimately to improve scientific practice, research methods and transparency.”


Marcus Munafò(布里斯托大学)然后开始讨论如何将心理学的可重复性危机用作改变的机会。他强调了如何鼓励研究人员探索他们的数据的文化,而不是坚持原始分析计划,并且可以通过“将科学方法应用于科学过程本身”,从而改善数据,从而提高质量质量。控制和改善科学的严格性和可靠性。

罗杰·瓦特(Roger Watt)(斯特林大学)然后讨论了他的观点,即鼻子和同事报道的“不重复”并不意外,这很大程度上是由于p值遵守抽样错误的事实。他使用现场统计模拟来证明“ P值的舞蹈”导致复制失败的速度很高。

Dorothy Bishop(牛津大学)然后谈论failure of psychologists to distinguish between hypothesis-testing and hypothesis-generating (exploratory) research, and how this may lead to the misuse of statistical tests. This problem is not new; it has been appreciated by statisticians for many years and was initially pointed out by Dutch psychologist Adriaan de Groot in 1956 (originally published in Dutch,translated recently)。多萝西(DorothyBMC系列精神。

Chris Chambers(加的夫大学)随后谈到了另一种潜在的解决方案,以区分心理学的假设检验和假设生成研究 - 预注册,从而在收集数据之前先进行预先注册和同行评审实验方法和提出的分析。

The general consensus from the speakers and the attendees was the need to improve both research and publishing practices in psychology. We hope thatBMC心理学可以成为解决方案的一部分!期刊所有感兴趣领域的共同点,以及BMC系列as a whole, is rigor.

In a field which has been plagued by the under-reporting of both复制sand无效发现,,,,BMC心理学has a policy of publishing all sound science, thus aiming to reduce the impact of publication bias that may currently exist within the field of psychology. We do not make editorial decisions on the basis of the perceived interest of a study or its likely impact. Studies must be scientifically valid; for research articles this includes a scientifically sound research question, the use of suitable methods and analysis, and following community-agreed standards relevant to the psychology field.

Want to find our more? Check outBMC心理学’sarticle collectionPsychology: replication and beyond

